MAstars Yearbook 2014 | Page 18

Wimbledon College
of Arts
Selected by
Sham i t a Sha r macha r ja

Raj s h r e e Gup t a
The faltering voice of the
artist's mother provides
the narrative to Rajshree
Gupta's video, 'Unrevealed...
en... Untold' (2014).
Juxtaposed with black and
white documentary footage
of her daily life, Gupta's
mother Poonam recounts
her painful descent into
a degenerative condition
which has left her bedridden, her mind inextricably
severed from the body
she can no longer control.
Rajshree Gupta
Unrevealed... Unspoken Untold,

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Digital media, black and white,
7 mins 13 secs



PG ≥18