Mass Media 2013

Technology plays a very significant part in the proliferation of mass media in modern Times. The mass media has revolutionized people's way of life and it has really engrossed every facet of human life. It has become so dominant that none of the human activity can be completed without accessing the help of mass media. The realization of world as a global village is also a product of mass media which has taken several forms to cater to human needs. The main devices of mass media are the radio, the television, the newspaper and the computer. Due to these devices, people are less isolated than ever from another by distance. People worldwide are quickly informed of major events. Many happenings like the floods and earth quakes in far-off places have been brought to the world's attention through the modern devices and people have responded by offering money and aid in caring for the affected people. Technology is all embracing. It affects almost everything that we do. Our modern life to a great extent is shaped by mass media. Books and printed materials are extremely important forms of communication technology. It is through technology that knowledge has spread throughout the world. Technology has enabled the functioning of computers and computers have developed as networks of electronic global village. The dominance of technology has enabled man to conquer time and space. The development of telegraph allowed information to travel at the speed of electricity and the idea of space was abolished. New Developments: Television is one of the most dynamic component of mass communication enabled by technology. It is the most powerful news and entertainment medium. They provide up-to-the minute news from early morning to late at night. Media is omnipresent in modern life and television is the ne single device that makes it a reality. Modern children are more shaped by media than anything else. It is the agent of diffusion of culture. Though daily newspapers, the radio and mass magazines have lost their influence in relation to the TV, yet they are valued. They are still considered as vital and useful as more authentic sources of knowledge and information. The traditional mass media are greatly affected by the information and digital revolutions. TV programs now come not only through the air but via optic cables, satellite dishes, computers and mobile phones. Media enterprises have now moved to multi-platform modes of distribution.