MASC's Spring 18 Newsletter Spring 2018 Newsletter | Page 8

Festival de danse FESTIVAL DE EN MILIEU SCOLAIRE 8 MASC co-organized the third annual Festival de danse en milieu scolaire (FDMS) in partnership with the École secondaire De La Salle and the Centre d’excellence artistique de l’Ontario, the School of Dance and the Ottawa Dance Directive. This unique, 3-day festival brings together franco-Ontarien students in grades 9 to 12 from across Ontario to experience dance, choreography and performance with professional dancers and in the company of 120 other young people. The 2017 festival celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary, bringing students together around the theme « À nous l’avenir! » (Own the Future!). Students were asked to imagine the next 150 years through movement. Guided by professional choreographers, they created 9 outstanding dance numbers expressing predictions about the future: technology, politics, the environment and the arts, heralding important values and heroes, future inhabitants, the world itself and beyond. Accompanied by live musicians and video projections specially created for this event, the students presented a dazzling show to family, friends and the general public, a culmination of 3 days of dance immersion. Students were welcomed on Thursday evening by energetic performances of the School of Dance, Ottawa Dance Directive, Tara Luz Danse, Dorsale Danse, all major professional Franco- Ontarian companies, as well as local troupes Luv 2 Groove and the Grupo de capoeira Dendê do Recife. Over the course of the weekend, students participated in contemporary, urban, Brazilian and flamenco dance classes. They also had the opportunity to visit the National Arts Center to attend a show by the Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, which was followed by a special, after- performance discussion with the choreographer and dancers. Throughout the FDMS, participants had the chance to interact with several experienced dancers and choreographers from the Franco- Ontarian scene, including the festival's patron, Marie-Josée Chartier, an important figure in dance in Ontario who presents her work nationally and internationally. Marie-Josée was open, generous, enthusiastic; a real inspiration for young people! Following this wonderful 2017 edition, MASC and our partners are working to put together the 4th edition of the FDMS, which will be held April 26 - 28, 2018, in Ottawa on the theme "Without Borders". MASC would like to warmly thank the co-organizers of the FDMS without whom this great adventure would simply not be possible. This event is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Government of Canada. Note that the content of the article is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the province or the Government of Canada. Written by Catherine Sirois