MASC Seniors Program Seniors Eng digital brochure 17-18 v2 | Page 22

Nicole Bélanger C LAy MuRALS : Participants create individual clay tiles, which will be assembled as part of a collective mosaic mural. C oLLAge MuRALS : Participants work with recyclable magazines and glue, learning to apply painting techniques to collage, creating large or small murals. Photo: M adeline B élanger C oNTeMPoRARy P AiNTeD M uRAL : Participants explore the basic principles of painting, colour, image transfer and perspective while creating a piece that reflects identity, community and other creative topics.  D igiTAL M uRAL : Using multi-media techniques (sculpting and mixed media), participants will create 3D maquettes. These will be transformed into unique and long lasting digital murals suitable for display inside or outdoors.  ReSiDeNCe : 5 FuLL DAyS : $1950 + HST Materials: dependent on project S e n i o r S For information on booking an artist or to access subsidies, please contact: Micheline Shoebridge (613) 725-9119 ext. 225 [email protected]