MASC Seniors Program Seniors Eng digital brochure 17-18 v2 | Page 10

Photo: A lan Dean Jennifer Cayley PeRFoRMANCe T He w iSDoM AND w iT oF T RADiTioNAL S ToRieS For as long as human kind has had language, stories have been a powerful way to connect, to learn, to imagine. Stimulated by the ancient power of the stories themselves and the skill and passion of a professional teller, participants will visualize characters and settings, discover connections to their own lives and absorb excellent models of good narrative. Rich in imagery, adventure and emotion, these stories offer listeners a chance to bring all that they are and all that they have done to making the stories live in the present moment. These ancient stories from a diversity of cultures stir memories, offer comfort and lead listeners on new creative adventures. oNe PeRFoRMANCe : 1 HouR $300 + HST woRKSHoP Traditional tales, polished over countless generations, are narrative jewels that offer a fine model for building your own stories into tellable, listenable pieces. In this workshop, participants will listen to some good stories, explore how to make connections between the told stories and their own narratives and will leave inspired to craft their own stories and to seek out more traditional stories. MAxiMuM : 10 PARTiCiPANTS oNe woRKSHoP : 2 HouRS $280 + HST S e n i o r S For information on booking an artist or to access subsidies, please contact: Micheline Shoebridge (613) 725-9119 ext. 225 [email protected]