MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 45

New st Alicia Borisonik arti Workshop Multicultural Music Residency One World Music Alicia will begin by sharing her South American cultural background and show students some unique musical instruments from around the world. She will lead them in movement games including using the body as a percussive instrument and engage them in ‘call and response’ exercises. Students will have the opportunity to play various percussion instruments (bamboo drums, shakers, guiros, cowbell, tambourines, claves or sticks and hand drums) and follow specific rhythms to accompany a simple song. They will exchange instruments so they can explore the different ways they are played and the different sounds they produce. GRADES : K* - 8/ SEC II MAxIMuM : 30 STuDENTS HALF DAY : TWO 1 HOuR SESSIONS $295 + HST FuLL DAY : THREE 1 HOuR SESSIONS $395 + HST * sessions for Kindergarten are 45 minutes A residency offers students the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of multicultural music and instruments. Alicia will teach two songs to each class, in English, Spanish, Swahili or Portuguese. They will learn techniques used to play various percussion instruments and will learn the main elements of music such as: dynamics, pitch, tempo and timbre. They will play with call and response, and working in teams, students will compose simple musical pieces. GRADES : K* - 8/ SEC II MAxIMuM : 5 CLASSES FIVE FuLL DAYS : THREE 1 HOuR SESSIONS PER DAY $1975 + HST CuRRICuLuM LINKS Understand the rich diversity of multicultural music and instruments; gain an appreciation for the relationship between culture and music; create percussive responses using both body and various percussive instruments applying elements of music to personal compositions created. Music 45