Martensville Messenger July 7, 2016 | Page 16

Page 16 - JULY 7, 2016 - martensviLLe messenger Complete Automotive and Tire Service Centre Open 8-5:30 Monday - Friday 109 Centennial Dr. North, Martensville Accredited 306.975.2140 GARDENING Ant Patrol - Ant Control Erl Svendsen Ants are synonymous with picnics and pants. And for some, that list also includes their yard, where they may have invaded the lawn, garden and patio/driveway/ sidewalk. aphid colonies). To fight them, it is best to follow the advice of Sun Tzu, legendary Chinese philosopher, warrior and military strategist: know thyself, know thy enemy, a thousand battles, a thousand Despite their reputation, victories. ants have a good side. Their tunneling improves There are nearly 90 ant soil aeration and improves species in Saskatchewan. drainage. While they may be The ones found in your lawn, small, because of their sheer garden and paved areas are number, they turn over more likely to be small and black soil than earthworms. Ants are to reddish brown. They prefer attracted not only to sweets, dry locations and generally they also consume proteins tunnel in loose soil or sand. and attack other insects. But Like their close relatives, when their numbers are out wasps, they are social insects of control, they become a and form colonies with a nuisance. In the lawn, there’ll queen and several thousand be raised mounds with sparse workers. When looking to to no grass growth. In patios control, concentrate on the and sidewalks, you’ll see nest itself and their trails. small mounds of sand or fine soil along cracks. Ants Since ants do provide also create trails to and from some beneficial services, sugary food sources (nectar, encouraging them to move is your first and easiest tactic. A combination of repeatedly raking their mound (regular disturbance) and irrigating more frequently (making them uncomfortable) may do the trick. If they don’t take the hint, bring in the reinforcements: plants flowers, shrubs and trees to attract birds (who will thank you for the free meal). Ramping up to the next level, pour boiling water over the nest. This will kill hundreds to thousands of workers and if the water penetrates deeply enough, it may get the queen as well. If nothing else, it may encourage them to move elsewhere. Be aware that boiling water will also kill your lawn. For stubborn situations, you may have to bring in bigger guns – registered pesticides. Read the label carefully and follow all instructions to the letter to protect yourself, your children and pets. Start with diatomaceous earth (silicone dioxide), the least toxic option. It is composed of microscope diatoms – fossilized hard-shelled algae. It is a registered pesticide but is not toxic to animals. Instead, it is an abrasive powder and when ants come in contact, it scratches their exoskeleton and they literally dry up. Often, the diatomaceous earth product contains an attractant to encourage ants to check it out. Apply over the nest, or where ants congregate. Because i t is such a fine powder wear a facemask to avoid breathing it in. It is otherwise safe for children and pets once applied. Open H�use Cele��ati�n! Many LOCATED IN’s a li�estyle! July 13th & 14th, 2016 VIP Tours 11am - 4pm Open to the Public 5 - 7pm Door Prizes & Refreshments! Everyone Welcome! Call Kelly before July 11th to book your tour! 151 Beaudry Cres. Martensville, SK Kelly Bedient 1-866-859-8211 Local Contact: Terri Hetterly 306-249-1917 registered ABOVE: Ants have excavated a home for themselves beneath my paving stone brick edge next to my lawn - so messy! (Erl Svendsen) ant pesticides contain borax (liquid, gel, powder), usually combined with an attractant into a bait which ants pick up and take back to the nest and eventually to feed to their queen. This is your ultimate goal: kill the queen and you kill the colony. Borax is toxic to you, your children, pets, other animals and plants. Most labels promise that the nest will be killed within seven days. Products containing pyrethrins are usually considered relatively safe since they are derived from plants, are biodegradable and have low human toxicity. It’s insecticidal and insect repellent properties have been known for centuries. Pyrethroids, synthetic pyrethrin (usually as d-trans allethrin), have similar properties but may accumulate in environment. Pyrethrin (not pyrethroid) is considered an organic pesticide when not combined with piperonyl butoxide. Other registered ant pesticides contain one or more of the following: carbaryl (Sevin), permethrin, and abamectin. You may also find pyrethroids in combination with these chemicals. They are available in various forms: liquid, spray, pressurized foams and solid (spike). While less damaging to plants, they are toxic to animals (including your precious children and pets). Apply as per label instructions and take all recommended precautions.