Marlborough Magazine May 19 | Page 7

7 A voice for youth With a voice that fi lls auditoriums and a heart just as big, it’s no surprise that Esther is one of the top youth communicators here in New Zealand and abroad. Draw- ing from her own personal story, Esther delivers a message fi lled with hope and resilience. Esther’s story has spoken to thousands of young people, many of whom have been impacted and are now making great life decisions. We ask Esther for an insight into the world of our youth and what inspires her to be their advocate. WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO INSPIRE YOUTH? What moti vates me the most to inspire youth is quite simple – I do it because I am able to. I have come from a background of pain, heartache and brokenness. As a teenager, I had an adult (outside my family) that journeyed with me and helped me to fi nd answers, pathways through the pain and encouraged me every step of the way. As a result, I have learned that I can do that same for others. I can do that one-on-one and I can encourage people in large audiences. I have always believed that the most noble thing one can do in their lifeti me is use all the tools and talents they have available to them, to help and serve as many people as possible. My story and my set of means that I am able to present ideas, pathways forward and inspire hope to all groups of people – including youth. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT WORKING WITH YOUTH? I love that young people are painfully honest. They will not laugh at your jokes as a courtesy, they don’t listen to you because you are an ‘adult’ and they don’t (necessarily) care about all the informati on that you know – they fi rst need to know that you care, that you will listen and that you want to understand. Once they do – they aff ord you the greatest privilege: the ability to speak into their life. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE GREATEST CHALLENGES FACING OUR YOUTH TODAY? There are a lot of challenges that young people face today: bullying, suicide, mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and all kinds of addicti on. These issues must be taken seriously – but I believe they are symptoms of a greater problem: loneliness. Young people believing they are alone, they don’t have anyone to turn to, they don’t know there are answers available to them, they are unable (or have never been taught) resilience and because of this, they have become more suscepti ble to all these other conditi ons. WHAT IMPACT DO YOU THINK THE OLDER GENERATION (40+) HAS HAD ON THE LIFESTYLE THAT OUR CHILDREN ARE GROWING UP IN? From what I have observed the older generati on or parents 40+ of young people, have wanted to prepare their children as much as possible for the future and in doing so have raised their children to be prepared by being independent. This has meant more ‘privileges’ at a younger age (compared to previous generati ons) – and so young people have more independence and more freedoms, but perhaps not the wisdom / responsibility to go with it. Young people also are highly knowledgeable in terms of technology and media. This means that young people have access to so much informati on and are tech-savvy. This technology climate is not what the older generati on has grown up being familiar with and unless eff ort is made to understand technology and become savvy, the distance between generati ons can become very large. WHAT TOOLS CAN HELP A YOUNG PERSON CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH FOR THEM? I think home (and from mum and dad) is the best place for a young person to learn values and choose the right path. There is also careers advisors, counsellors and teachers at school. Community groups like churches, sport teams – any positi ve environments for growth, you will usually fi nd adults who genuinely care for young people and have their best interests at heart. WHAT ARE SOME PIECES OF ADVICE THAT YOU CAN OFFER OUR YOUNGER GENERATION? YOU ARE NOT ALONE - Find a trusted adult (parent, family member, teacher, coach) that you feel like you can talk to, be honest with and ensure that you talk to them when you feel like ti mes are hard. They will give you tools to help you walk through hard ti mes, things to consider when making big decisions…listen – they know what they are talking about! Pamper mum this Mother’s Day.. Because she deserves it. We offer a range of relaxing & pampering treatments perfect to treat that special lady in your life. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE INSTORE WHAT PIECE OF ADVICE WOULD YOU OFFER YOUR YOUNGER SELF? Don’t pay too much att enti on to what other people might be thinking about you, they are probably too busy thinking about themselves. So dream big and risk big – you are more talented, more beauti ful, more able than you give yourself credit for! WHAT CHANGES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE OUR SOCIETY MAKE TO BENEFIT THE FUTURE GENERATIONS? I would like to see a more connected society – we have more access to each other’s lives, but we are not more connected. I’d like to see each generati on, young and older helping, loving, serving and seeing one another. Then we might believe we are not alone. Ph: (03) 579 4707 OPEN 6 DAYS WITH THREE LATE NIGHTS QUEENS MARKET MALL CONVENIENTLY SITUATED IN CENTRAL BLENHEIM