Markham SweeTTalkers Toastmasters Club 4635 Issue #10, June 2014 | Page 4

President's Message

IIt is an honour for me to be the President of Markham Sweet-talkers club this year. This is an amazing club where all members strive to grow and help others on their path to effective communication and leadership skills.

We are a vibrant and successful club with committed toastmasters who work towards achieving the club goals and because of this Markham Sweet-talkers has been awarded President's Distinguished Club Award for the last ten years. In this club, members come together every Tuesday evening to practice speaking, enjoy each other's company and take leadership roles. This in turn fosters self-growth and confidence.

I would encourage all of you to set one goal for yourself this year. It could be to speak more frequently, take a leadership role, participate in contests, give positive evaluations or mentor a new member. No matter what your goal is don't forget to have fun, keep speaking and grow.

- Saima Malik

President 2013-4