
PayDrill – Brand New PayPal Software UNCOVERS HIDDEN DATA From Inside Your Paypal Account

PayDrill – Brand New PayPal Software UNCOVERS HIDDEN DATA From Inside Your Paypal Account

PayDrill is the ultimate Paypal software the reveals amazing metrics for your online business – tells you everything you need to know about your income , sales , customers , products and your latest 5000 transactions inside Paypal .
http :// crownreviews . com / paydrill-review-bonus /
What Is PayDrill ?
Do you use Paypal for your online business ?
If yes , you must get notification emails every time you make a sale or earn a commission in your account .
And when you login to your account you see …
� � �
Your Account Balance Your recent transactions and sales Your Sent and Received payments
But … that ’ s just about it . It ’ s a lot of data but not … INTELLIGENT DATA ! PayPal is great for sending and receiving payments , selling your products and services . But the problem is , PayPal cannot tell you …
� What is your average value per customer ? ( or lifetime value ) � Or How many customers buy again from you ? ( repeat customers ) � Do you know what TIME of day you get most of your sales ? � How Frequently do you make sales from your online business ? � Which countries do you get most sales from and where do you have the highest refunds ? � What are your most profitable products and which ones are losers ?
Companies like Amazon , Uber , Apple , Ebay , Netflix and many other Fortune 500 Companies USE THIS DATA to grow their business & take decisions .