Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine June, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 6 | Page 29

MARCH , 2018


The Plot : Are some secrets best kept hidden ?
Sophia Nelson returns to her hometown in Yorkshire , England to begin a new job as tour guide at Heaton Abbey House . There , she meets the reclusive Thomas , Baron Heaton , a lonely workaholic .
Despite having a rule never to become involved with her boss , Sophia can ‟ t deny how she finds him incredibly attractive .
When she overhears the secret surrounding his parentage , she is torn . But is it her attraction to him or the fear of opening a Pandora ‟ s box that makes her keep quiet about it ?
How long can Sophia stay at Heaton Abbey knowing what she does ? Reviews Welcome .
An Excerpt
He was certainly explosive in a way Lee had never been , but did it worry her ? She wasn ‟ t sure . Most of the time he seemed to hide behind what she was beginning to call his „ Lord of the Manor ‟ persona . But there were occasional glimpses of a softer , more gentle side . Maybe she should do what her Mum , Dad , and practically everyone she knew would do and just judge him by his title and principles and have as little to do with him as possible . But she couldn ‟ t . There was now absolutely no denying that she found him incredibly attractive . Was it because of that or the fear of opening a huge Pandora ‟ s box that she was doing as she was told and keeping quiet ? Both , probably , and that did worry her because she really didn ‟ t know what to do about it .
Available in E-Book At :
Amazon Prices : Print : 13.25 Digital : $ 2.99 Length : 279 Pages Heat Level : R
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Biography : Lorna Peel is an author of historical romance and romantic mystery novels set in the UK and Ireland . Lorna was born in England , grew up in North Wales , and now lives in rural Ireland .