Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine February 2018 MFRW Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 2 | Page 29

WELL BEGUN IS WELL DONE (Cont.) By: Alice Orr 6. This scene must at least suggest that something important is at stake for my character in this story, and pref- erably for others, too. What, specifi- cally, are the dire circumstances that will result if my character fails to suc- ceed in this story? 7. Obstacles to that success must al- ready be evident in this scene. What specific obstacles to that success are already evident, or at least hinted at, in this scene? 8. My main character must make a con- scious decision to act in response to the situation in this scene, and that decision sets the action of the story in motion. What, specifically, is that decision? How does it set the story in motion? 9. My character must be a person with whom the reader will wish to iden- tify, motivated to act by something the reader can relate to and find sym- pathetic. How, specifically, does my character fulfill these expectations? 10. Finally, the action of the story must begin immediately in this scene. How, specifically, does that happen in my story? Reread these Ten Crucial Ques- tions. Think about them in terms of your story. Be hard-nosed and demanding with yourself, and with your story, as you an- swer each one. If your responses are not solid and dramatic, your story opening is not solid and dramatic, and you must change it to be so. Feeling a little overwhelmed? Stream the opening of Casablanca. Take notes on how simply all of this is managed there, and be specific yet again. While you are doing that: “Here‟s looking at you, kid.” Biography: Alice Orr is the author of sixteen novels, three novellas, a memoir, and No More Re- jections: 50 Secrets to Writing a Manuscript That Sells. A former book editor and literary agent, Alice now lives her dream as a full-time writer. She has two grown children and two per- fect grandchildren and resides with her husband Jonathan in New York City. Alice‟s latest book, A Time of Fear & Loving—Riverton Romantic Suspense Book Five, is available HERE. Website & Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page 29 3