MARKETING AFRICA MAL 18/17 mal 18:17 online | Page 83

are hard to treat , shortness of breath , and weakness . More serious symptoms indicating a need for immediate medical attention include fever , swollen lymph nodes , sore throat , and skin lesions .
White Blood Count and Proteins
Protein is one of the macronutrient molecules that you need to eat in order to sustain health . You can break down proteins and the other macronutrients to provide you with energy as well as with cellular building blocks . Specifically , you break proteins into building blocks called amino acids .
All white blood cells require amino acids in order to sustain normal function . Some of the uses of amino acids by white blood cells are very apparent in immune function . For instance , antibodies are proteins , and are therefore made up of amino acids and you have to eat proteins to get the amino acids . All cells require protein for energy and to make major structural and functional molecules that operate within the cells .
How Does Stress Affect the Immune System ?
It ’ s true that negative stress is by far and away the toxin of the day . At one of my recent speaking events , I asked two questions : “ How many of you think that negative stress is an inevitable part of your life ?” followed by “ How many of you think you create the negative stress in your life ?”
I was surprised at the response . Not only because many of the same people raised their hands to both questions , but also because so many agreed with the notion that negative stress is inevitable in life .
Ongoing stress makes us susceptible to illness and disease because the brain sends defense signals to the endocrine system , which then releases an array of hormones that not only gets us ready for emergency situations but severely depresses our immunity at the same time .
What was intended to protect the body begins to harm it when unregulated . The effect of stress on the immune system has been linked to cancer , AIDS and other autoimmune disorders .
Kepha Nyanumba is a seasoned Marketing Africa Magazine columnist working as a Consultant Nutritionist at AAR Healthcare Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via mail : Kephanyanumba @ gmail . com or follow him on twitter : KNyanumba , Blog : Kephanyanumba . blogspot . com .