MARKETING AFRICA MAL 18/17 mal 18:17 online | Page 79

Some of the symptoms include : Lack of energy , Tiredness , Irritability , Restlessness , Intolerance , Quarrelsomeness , Fatigue , Lack of endurance , Increasing frequency of illness and my favorite one ... Bowel movement - we should be having 2-3 bowel movements in a day . However , most of us have been trained to believe that if the bowel isn ’ t functioning correctly we can turn to laxatives . Laxatives are a best seller in our pharmacies today for both adults and children - sad . They only address the symptoms and not the root cause .
We may argue that eating better can help - which is true . Eating more vegetables , fruits , seeds , nuts , and whole foods is a great step ; exercising too . However , we can ’ t put new wine in old bottles . We can ’ t put clean food into a dirty body and expect good results . We ’ re only going to get partial , perhaps even negligible results . We have to do better than that . This is where cleansing comes in .
Take away : when you experience the above symptoms … STOP , Listen , and ACT .
Lesson Number 2 : Be mentally prepared .
Consciously shift your focus to what you want and what you know you can accomplish . Your body is crying out , it needs to heal . The most powerful step is setting your intentions , which requires your mind - power of focus . When you set intentions , be mentally prepared , your body owns the process effortlessly .
Take time and write down what you want to achieve from the cleanse . There is power in writing . We also give a symptom tracker form so that clients can note down the symptoms they are currently experiencing before they start the program and

‘‘ Prepare to win by removing any temptations . It is important to create time and remove “ poison ”. Poison is any food that doesn ’ t serve our body , food that creates more harm than good . Detoxing your kitchen is a great step to success .’’

the results are compared at the end of the cleanse . Aligning your mind with your intentions is an important step that contributes to a successful cleanse .
It is also important to get medical tests done . The tests are optional ; they help you know the status of your health in terms of cravings and sugar levels . We highly recommend the NMR lipid profile test ( more comprehensive than the standard cholesterol test ) Hemoglobin test and the Glucose Tolerance or the Insulin Response test .
Lesson 3 : Clean up your kitchen
Prepare to win by removing any temptations . It is important to create time and remove “ poison ”. Poison is any food that doesn ’ t serve our body , food that creates more harm than good . Detoxing your kitchen is a great step to success .
A great guideline depending on the cleanse or detox you are undertaking is : Remove anything that is not real food – Junk ; Any foods with artificial sweeteners , preservatives , additives and coloring or dyes ; Any food or drink that contains sugar of any kind ; Anything that contains hydrogenated oils and refined vegetable oils ; Products containing gluten and dairy ; and Alcohol and coffee – in other words “ drugs ”. They temporarily make you feel energized and alert , “ high ” but those effects wear off very fast , leaving you needing more ; crash-and-crave cycle .
Last but not least , ensure you are doing your cleanse under the supervision of a doctor , wellness coach , dietician or certified Nutritionist . A great cleanse should follow a simple daily structure to enable your body ’ s natural ability to heal itself . Some of the benefits include improved skin , sleep , digestion , energy , healthy weight loss , and mental clarity with a reduction in bloating , constipation , headaches , and joint pain . You should have your practitioners support before , during and after the program .
Always remember - No pills , hunger or starvation is allowed during a cleanse . One of the reasons some of the cleanses are damaging to our bodies is that they are based on pushing our bodies into “ starvation mode ,” requiring that you do not eat solid foods .
The truth is that when you don ’ t give your body food to perform optimally ( fuel ), it responds by storing fat as a survival mechanism to keep you alive . Not only is this a health danger , but as soon as you have your first bite of something solid , healthy or not , you instantly gain the weight back that you had “ lost ,” if not more ! Beats the purpose if you ask me !
Here is to a functional toxin-free body !
Jennifer Mwangangi-Ayoti is a Chartered Marketer ( UK ), and a seasoned Wellness Coach at Licial Wellness . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail at : Info @ licialwellness . com . You can also visit the website at : www . licialwellness . com .