re-confirm that this is what I call ‘Kenya’s Kiosk mentality’ in my marketing perspective! I speak under corrections but I suspect most executives handling County destination marketing dockets today, grew up in such an environment and with the advent of Counties, they didn’t hesitate to formulate and execute what in their subconscious minds were the most successful marketing success stories in their childhood days. Unraveling the plot Why do I say so? The promulgation of the new constitution provided a unique opportunity to package, position and market each of the forty seven counties in 47 different ways. From a simplistic viewpoint, destination marketers, Or Ministers in charge of County Marketing as the case may be, had a unique opportunity to strengthen National value proposition in tourism with each formulating and executing a distinctly unique value proposition. This could have rivaled South Africa’s approach for instance where each of the South Africa Provinces is uniquely positioned (SA provinces are equivalent of Kenyan County). Nevertheless, going by the efforts (or is it lack of ) expended initiatives to differentiate Kenya’s County value proposition so far, I would be tempted to believe it is late but not too late for Counties to change their approach to County marketing aimed at exploiting the uniqueness of each county – not a ‘me too approach’ as currently witnessed. The same would then provide synergy to the National Marketing efforts as championed by Kenya Tourist Board, KTB for leisure tourism and KICC for MICE if am not mistaken. At the moment every county seems to be in a rush to host an investment conference (Not bad at all) and invite 88 MAL 12/16 ISSUE ‘‘The promulgation of the new constitution provided a unique opportunity to package, position and market each of the 47 counties in 47 different ways. From a simplistic viewpoint, destination marketers, Or Ministers in charge of County Marketing, had a unique opportunity to strengthen National value proposition in tourism with each formulating and executing a distinctly unique value proposition.’’ the same institutions to invest in nearly similar sectors! One wonders why counties haven’t seriously thought of creating ‘blocks of Counties’ to pursue certain common regional agenda for instance. From a simplistic view point, I guess the packaging ought to have been on the basis of some honest SWOT analysis to provide strategic direction for each county. This in my opinion would have given a good foundation on which to formulate an authentic and logically differentiated storyline. Curiously quite a number of Counties seems to be having an identical approach to County destination marketing. Each county seems to be targeting same form of tourism; most counties seems to be planning to build a Conference Center going by the recent media reports and MoUs signing sprees. At that rate, Kenya might end up with 47 conference centres whereas not even South Africa which is the current leading MICE destination in Africa, has half of that number of ICCs. Having said that, all is actually not lost as some counties seem to have gotten some things right to exploit what mother nature endowed them with. Turkana County for instance scored big with their annual “Tobong’ Lore Cultural Event 2012”. I remember travelling to Turkana for this event made me appreciate how much Counties could enrich themselves if they worked on their value proposition around their unique beauty. Without exaggeration, if an average well-travelled Kenyan were blind folded and ‘dropped’ in the shores of Lake Turkana, I won’t blame him/ her believing that s/he has been ‘dropped’ in some Portugal or some Mediterranean destination. That part of Turkana is simply amazing! The big question is who knows about it? Who is to blame that you don’t know about it? Interestingly, many Kenyans still fly all the way to Dubai to drive Jeeps on sand yet Turkana offers similar if not better terrain with glittering silica and better air due to humidity. I attribute this to lack of effective County Marketing. Still on differentiation, Mombasa and Coastal Counties should and must continue packaging their offering around what it is known for as they seek to market new experience to augment this. Kisumu county should not even think along the same lines as Mombasa but the concentration of senior medical practitioners should probably