email address bearing the company name. Ideally the company name should appear the same in all communications; the use of small letters makes it easier for use in the web which is why a number of already existing organizations are shifting to small letters such as EABL to eabl. Let the name stand out from the crowd: The name generated should create a buzz and an interest in what the business provides. Avoid having a name that is too descriptive and straightforward as that is likely to kill curiosity and interest. Descriptive names are also not preferred as the business may expand its operations to be more than the description. The name must be broad enough that it can be imbued with a meaning that resonates with customers as was the case with Apple computers; the name Apple was picked to connect with customers who did not like the serious feel computers presented and preferred a warm, approachable feel. Ensure the name is not already in use: This generally involves legal searches as well as searches for the ‘‘ The name must be broad enough that it can be imbued with a meaning that resonates with customers as was the case with Apple computers; the name Apple was picked to connect with customers who did not like the serious feel computers presented and preferred a warm, approachable feel’’ use of the name on the web including domain names and the use of the name on social media platforms. Ensure the brand name is transferable: The question of brand transferability is a key brand name consideration. With the growth of global brands, names increasingly need to be able to cross geographical boundaries. General Motors for example launched its Nova car in Spain. No va in Spanish means “it does not go” or “it does not function”. This presented obvious problems. It’s therefore critical that as you explore a corporate brand name research for cultural meaning as the company may expand to new geographical markets. In summary, your company’s name is the first interaction your stakeholders will have with your organization. An impressive, outstanding name will grab attention and create interest. All other pillars and values around the corporate brand name will cement the name. First impressions do matter. Enjoy naming! Marion Wakahe is a Marketing Consultant with a knack for upcoming marketing trends. You can commune with her on this and related issues via mail on: [email protected]. Book a room on Sunday and Monday and enjoy a special offer of Ksh. 4,000 on bed and breakfast single. Offer valid till 30th June 2016 E-mail: [email protected]