Maritzburg College School Magazine Maritzburg College Magazine 2016 electronic | Page 43

C R E AT I V I T Y AT C O L L E G E A cry of surprise shattered the morbid silence. A blinding white light approached out of the gloom. My heart leapt into my throat and then sank just as quickly, as I realised... it was the coast guard. People all around me cursed, while others sank to the deck in broken resignation. We had fled our homes, left the war torn land which we had once loved, in search of mere safety, and then we found our entire expedition at the mercy of these men. Their boat dwarfed ours. The brilliant light it emitted would once have given a man hope, but then, it was a symbol of failure. I felt sick as the little girl began to cry, imploring her mother to provide some clarity on the situation. Admittedly, I was equally uncertain. Nobody knew if we were in time, all were praying that there was room for us yet. One of my friends, an educated man, boarded their boat. We awaited his return with bai