MAQ ART-MAGAZINE MAQ - Quantum Art Movement | Page 50

Applications of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is a revolutionary discipline in terms the possible impact on industrial and medical applications with huge repercussions on our daily life. Nanotechnology for its innate nature is interdisciplinary, involves sectors and researchers of the most varied fields of research.

Nanomaterials are those materials formed by nanometric and nanostructured units in the nanometer range, we can distinguish:

Materials with a lamellar nanometric size, ultra-thin films and coating surfaces;

Nanomaterials in two dimensions: nanowires and nanotubes;

Materials with three nanometric dimensions: nanoparticles, quantum dots, quantum dots. Nanocrystalline materials with nanometer-sized grains also belong to this category.

The main factors of nanomaterials are the increase in the surface area and the effect of quantum confinement.

These factors are those that determine the increase in mechanical characteristics and also the emergence of entirely new optical and electronic properties, clearly exploitable for various applications.

The mainfactors of nanomaterials are the increase in the surface area and the effect of quantum confinement.

Thesefactors are those that determine the increase in mechanicalcharacteristics and also the emergence of entirely new optical and electronicproperties, clearlyexploitable for variousapplications.

MAQ/March 2018/48