MAQ ART-MAGAZINE MAQ - Quantum Art Movement | Page 39

They may merge together to form larger holes blacks. These larger black holes swallow the surrounding material, they merge again with other black holes and so on up to become supermassive black holes that we observe at the center of enormous galaxies.

The problem is that this process of repeated casting of the black hole requires many billions of years, yet the recent astronomical observations they found evidence of the birth of supermassive black holes less than a billion years after the Big Bang!

It is not enough time for them to grow up to the dimensions we observe.

The largest black holes actually grow much faster than their galaxies can form new stars, according to new Nasa research. Pictured is one of the black holes studied by the team.

The largestblackholesactuallygrowmuchfasterthan their galaxies can form new stars, according to new Nasa research. Pictured is one of theblackholesstudied by the team.