MAQ ART-MAGAZINE MAQ - Quantum Art Movement | Page 37


Permanent leading categories-Academician of fine arts Roberto Denti

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Astrophysics (from al-Greek. ἀστήρ "star light" and φυσικά — "nature") is the science that combines astronomy and physics, studies the physical processes in astronomical objects such as stars, galaxies, etc. Physical properties of matter in the large scale and the origin of the Universe studying cosmology.Astrophysics — the study of the structure of celestial bodies.

Astrophysics is part of astronomy dealing with the study of physical properties and (along with cosmochimie) the chemical composition of the Sun, planets, comets or stars and nebulae. The main experimental methods of astrophysics are spectral analysis, photography and photometry together with ordinary astronomical observations. Spectroscopic analysis is an area that is commonly referred to as the astrology or chemistry of celestial bodies, since the main instructions given by the spectroscope relate to the chemical composition of the astronomical objects under study. Photometric and photographic studies are sometimes distinguished in specific areas of astrophotography and astrophotometry.