Manhattan Lasik center, the best world wide Aug, 2014 | Page 5

The patient goes through a set of tests when ever any new patients steps into Manhattan Lasik Center and also goes through consultations which may take around two hours. Patient is under no obligation to have the Lasik surgery. The gracious counselor of patients will collect the required information. This procedure is followed by the patient’s eye measurement by a qualified and competent Optometrist. The patients are also encouraged to ask questions and clear their fears and doubts if any. The test chain that includes assessment, examination and measurement will assist the surgeon in calculating the quantity of ablation needed to correct the visual variance. The precise vision correction process is carried out on the basis of the unique condition of the patient and the state of health of the patient. The patient is warned about the outcomes of the test and the kind of process to be carried out for the correction of his or her visual anomalies.