Mane Product & Technology Issue 2 - September 2017 | Page 12


Phones were invented to communicate across long distances, but phones these days, ironically, have all but eliminated the need for phone calls. It’s quicker and easier to send a text message, an iMessage, a Facebook message, a WhatsApp message – or a message of any type than it is to call someone. We have various social media platforms that we use to keep contact with friends and family. We speak in shortened text, with Emojis and with images instead of full and complete sentences.

The iPod introduced us to iTunes – an online marketplace for music and video content. It transformed the way we download and listen to our content and then the iPhone took it the next step further. Before the iPhone, most people had to carry around their phone and an MP3 player such as the iPod. One was a dedicated communications device and another was a dedicated music player. And although phones were able to play music before the iPhone it was cumbersome. The iPhone integrated the features of the iPod which meant having two separate devices would be a thing of the past. It seamlessly blended your already vast music library into your phone. Music streaming has also since been introduced by Apple and several other companies – something that likely would not be possible in a world without smartphones.

Candy Crush. Pokemon GO. Clash of Clans. Angry Birds. Do any of these names ring a bell? If you haven’t played them, you’ve likely heard of them. The mobile gaming industry is massive and again it’s thanks to the app stores and the freedom developers have in creating apps or games for the masses. Even if you aren’t a dedicated gamer playing Xbox or PlayStation, you’re still able to enjoy games on your mobile device. Simple controls that can be easily picked up by anyone and addictive gameplay has made gamers out of all of us.

Prior to the iPhone, Blackberry was the go-to device for businesses and their employees. It had a built-in hardware keyboard and access to emails on-the-go. Nowadays, although email is great to have on your mobile, and it works way better than it had in the past, there are other applications that the iPhone introduced to the world of business. Just about everyone has a touchscreen device that enables them to download apps and connect to the internet, meaning they can be connected to all their usual work applications including enterprise software. At Mane, our consultants are provided with their own smartphone to remain connected while on-the-go and we have access to our CRM right at our fingertips and away from our desks.

Steve Ballmer, Former Microsoft CEO laughed off the iPhone at launch.

5 Communication

6 Music & Video

7 Gaming

8 How We Work