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as a result, led to his return to Apple when they bought NeXT from him. During Jobs’ time away with NeXT, a certain gentleman by the name of Tim Berners-Lee felt more could be done with the internet. Tim set off to create the World Wide Web - the foundation for everything we use on the internet today. To embark on this disruptive journey that would change the internet forever, Tim Berners-Lee used a certain computer to bring this vision to life - it was a NeXT computer. This makes me wonder - would the internet exist as it does today without Steve Jobs’ contribution? We can take this train of thought further: As a result of Tim Berners-Lee starting the World Wide Web, Google was started in 1998 becoming one of the early dot com disruptors. They further grew to become one of the most profitable technology companies in the world putting them in a position where they were big enough to buy whichever startup they felt could add value to their company. They stumbled upon Where 2 Technologies - a mapping related startup based in Sydney, Australia and acquired them in 2004. In 2005, this same product was now released to the world as Google Maps. In 2009, the digital taxy disruptor Uber was launched to the world. Uber’s very existence was built on the foundation laid by Google Maps and today, is valued at around $120 Billion. Would Uber exist without Google’s contribution? Would Uber exist without Steve Jobs contribution? Would Uber exist without the contribution of Benjamin Franklin? Some of these questions, we will never have an answer to. What we can establish is that our world today is the product of yesterday’s disruptors. Every disruptive company on earth today can be traced to the mind of someone in the past who created a platform for the next big thing to exist - with or without knowing it. Tim Berners-Lee may have never imagined that his contribution would create a platform for the wealthiest companies on earth today and as a result, new industries. Google may have never imagined that their contribution to the chain would create multi-billion dollar companies and change how we perceive and use technology on an everyday basis. The future is a reaction to the experiments of today - a chain of endless opportunities. What then are you contributing to the chain? What will be contributed to the chain as a result of you stepping out to capture a piece of the future for yourself? If you are not adding value to the chain, you will always remain at the mercy of those that do. The future is now, the future is tomorrow and the future is every moment ahead, but the currency for cashing in the opportunities of the future is value. A mind that doesn’t create value for the innovators of tomorrow is a wasted one. The future is not a destination - it’s an endless staircase. History may forget those that walked up on the stairs, but will never forget those that added a step along the way. Where will you be found? Creating The Future For Ourselves It is essential to know where you lie because at the end of the day, there will always be 3 types of people - those who create templates for a world we can live in, those that create it for themselves and those that inhabit the creations of others’ minds. You see the 21st century is beyond any reasonable doubt, the best time to be alive. We are living in a world of possibilities and opportunities our forefathers could only have dreamed of - we are living in the future. We are living in a future so full of possibilities, it is easy to get caught up living in the dreams of others at the expense of our own. It is so easy to get comfortable living in the imagination of a mind responsible for a world we had no role in contributing towards. It is so easy getting sucked up into consuming the creations of another mind rather than creating things for ourselves - the 21st century seems to conveniently have everything we need. Our world today however wouldn’t be the technological utopia we have gotten so used to without the efforts of the 20th century. The 20th century created the foundation for everything we use today. The personal computer, radio, the television, cell phone, the instant camera, pop-up toasters, microwave ovens, automobiles, airplanes and the internet among others were all fruits of this era. Today, the evolution of the aforementioned inventions are all integral elements of 21th century experience. This 20th century is where Hanna- Barbera created an accurate depiction of the future through their animated sitcom The Jetsons in the 1960’s. They imagined what our world could be - others followed their template and the rest is history. We are literally living in the products of their imagination. No matter how active our imagination is, nothing about our world will change until we actually do something about it. Until we turn the future in our mind into reality, we will never truly see the power our mind is capable of. So let’s take a take a journey to the early 1900’s - to the beginning of the 20th century where it all began. Let’s look at a few disruptive minds that created the foundation for the future we live in today. Take the airplane for example. I believe this is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Every destination has become a possibility because we can jump through time zones in just a few hours, explore our 62 MAL28/19 ISSUE To set the rules and as a result capture the future, you must also be ready and willing to un- learn everything you know about the past. If we only see our world from the vantage point of the past, our creations will be irrelevant an- tiques. world, and surf the clouds thousands of feet above the ground in a gravity defying metal container created out of the mind of a human being. We can all trace this disruption to the minds of the Wright brothers. While they are credited with flying the first airplane, they were not the first team on the journey to make man fly. They found the missing link others before them couldn’t, and as a result changed humanity forever. Hanna-Barbera imagined and created a template for the future, the Wright brothers on the other hand created it themselves. So how do we then create the future for ourselves? We first of all need to let our imagination run wild! No one had ever flown an aircraft before. There was no template for the Wright brothers to follow. They had nothing to benchmark but their imagination. If we don’t let our imagination run wild enough to think of things others have not done before, we will continue creating alternate realities of our present. If your mind can only create ideas that resemble the things in our world today - they will have an expiry date. When you create what hasn’t been done before - you set the rules. To set the rules and as a result capture the future, you must also be ready and willing to unlearn everything you know about the past. If we only see our world from the vantage point of the past, our creations will be irrelevant antiques. A digital typewriter would have seemed like the most logical step to follow as the 20th century began. The personal computer however didn’t just come to enhance the typing experience, it provided a world of possibilities. The personal computer was the prerequisite for the internet to exist. The internet was the prerequisite for companies like Google, Facebook, Amazons and Netflix to be built. This means some of the biggest companies in the world wouldn’t exist if the first creators of the early PC decided to just make incremental changes to the Typewriter. They unlearned what they knew about typewriters and the past and as a result, created the path for the technological development we are experiencing today. Everyone can dream of some sort of future. Very few act on those dreams. Those that do, are responsible for the wealth of opportunities we now have in our world today. The Wright brothers had no access to the internet to help them with their research on aerodynamic control. The early PC creators had no one to benchmark but themselves. Internet companies like Google didn’t have a ‘template’ for what an internet company should be like - yet they all still changed the world. If people living in an era with less than what we have access to were able to contribute to the future we all enjoy today, we living in the 21st century have no excuse. Not every idea can change the world, and not every idea has a place in the future. How then do we capture the future in our world of opportunities? Until we start to take control of the future we desire, we will live our lives at the mercy of those who have. History will never forget those that create the future, but those that merely exist in the future, eventually become history. Where will you be found? The choice is entirely yours. Dr. Akinyemi is the Chief Transformation Officer, PowerTalks Corporate & Personal Development Consultants. You can commune with him on this or related matters via email at: [email protected], or via his twitter handle at: twitter@ waleakinyemi.