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how frequent people use M-Pesa, the act of using M-Pesa in itself is a low stake transaction. the terms of the transaction that are important to customers, but also what terms are a pleasure to customers and a pain. it can pick a contact from your SIM, your phone memory and your Gmail account if you are an android user. This is a good example of innovating, while keeping in mind consumers’ irrational behavior. ability to think either in an abstract or in a concrete manner. Two popular forms of construal that help in understanding a culture are low-level construal and high- level construal. Irrationality should not be confused for stupidity neither should it be labelled as being overly emotional. These labels only seem to vilify what makes humans human, when the decision they make leads to an unsavory or unintended outcome. We have to remember that as humans, our minds did not and have not evolved to be fully rational. This is not to say that we should forget all use of rational thinking. There are times, like mentioned earlier, where You quickly realize after you have rational thinking is necessary and applied confidently and hastily pressed, “Cancel” consciously. that you have inadvertently approved the transaction. The numerous calls to Safaricom begin in hopes of getting the So far, I have been able to showcase how transaction reversed. You then tell yourself, irrationality governs us on a day-to-day “I will never be that stupid again.” Next basis and how this irrationality leads us time you do an M-Pesa transaction you are to value transactional utility more over extra cautious that every digit is correct, acquisition utility. When consumers value and maybe even go to the extent of writing transactional utility more, they expect brands and/or people they transact with the number on a piece of a paper. to operate in a fair manner. We have also At Safaricom, we have embraced this seen that we are willing to spend money to irrational behavior by encouraging users punish brands or people who we feel acted to use the MySafaricom App for M-Pesa. unfairly towards us. Kenya, and most African countries, is a low-level construal culture. A low-level construal culture is one where people think concretely about things and are more concerned with the specifics. When people are engaged in low-level construal, they are focusing on the present in detail. At the low level, people focus on the peripheral, secondary features that are less essential to the overall gist of the situation or object. mSurvey is one company in Kenya that is helping brands like Java, Chloride Exide and even Safaricom better understand how to drive positive transactional utility, with the help of mobile surveys administered instantaneously, after the conclusion of a transaction between the customer and the brand. Such information, to any brand custodian, is gold because it gives you laser focus on what your priorities should be in driving positive transactional utility and seeming fair. A high-level construal culture is one where people think in abstract and bigger picture. When thinking on this level, people are looking at the bigger picture; not focusing on details. At the high level, people focus on central features that capture the overall gist of the situation or object. I was pleasantly surprised the first time I got a prompt to give feedback to Java after paying with M-Pesa for a meal. Over time, I have seen Java change a few things based on feedback from me and their other customers. For instance, if someone from a low-level construal cultural background passes a group of children and is asked what they are doing, they are more than likely to describe the activity - the children are playing football and running around. On the other hand, an individual from a high-level construal cultural background is simply going to say “The children are playing”. Chloride Exide Dial-A-Battery is another example of a brand understanding the terms of the transaction that are important for the customer when buying a battery. In this case, it is annoying to have to go pick up a battery when the car I could have used cannot start because of a low battery. I am sure customers were experiencing negative transactional utility before Chloride Exide decided to enhance the process by delivering the battery to where the user is. If you are an avid user of M-Pesa you have probably experienced this panic situation when you realize you are about to send the money to the wrong recipient. Because of the cognitive load (i.e. panic, coupled with the need to be fast), system 1 tells you that cancel is the best option to stop the transaction. After all, you have grown up knowing that cancel means STOP. But in this case, cancel means, “take away this prompt from my screen and just send the money”. With the app, users are able to select contacts from their contacts and the confirmation message comes before you put your PIN. The best part is that within the app, you can actually press cancel when the confirmation message comes and the transaction will be cancelled. Moreover, unlike the sim toolkit which only picks contacts from your SIM card, via the app One last observation to note is the impact of culture and its role as a strong catalyst to our irrational behavior. By culture I am referring to the lens in how people living in different countries use to view the world. Construal level theory breaks down how peoples view of the world (because of their culture) influences their Irrationality should not be confused for stupidity neither should it be labelled as being overly emotional. These labels only seem to vilify what makes humans hu- man, when the decision they make leads to an unsavory or unintended outcome. We have to remember that as humans, our minds did not and have not evolved to be fully rational. This is not to say that we should forget all use of rational thinking. There are times where rational thinking is necessary and applied consciously. 54 MAL28/19 ISSUE Because most Kenyans see things from a low-level construal position, they are more focused on functional elements of a product and service, and hence privilege transactional utility over acquisition utility. It is difficult for most of us to see the bigger picture (the perceived emotive benefit), and easier for us to focus on the tangible aspects - price and functionality. It should be noted that it is not uncommon to find individuals within a low-level construal culture to think on a high-level construal. As a brand, if you are expecting your consumers to think on a high-level construal, and your products and services are part of those small stakes/frequent interactions, it is as good as flogging a dead horse and your brand is likely to be perceived as unfair and selfish. Brands in Kenya are now starting to invest in Transactional NPS (TNPS for short) research to be able to not only understand For most, well at least for me, it was a pleasant surprise to call to get a battery and was told that they can deliver or I can pick it up. I experienced positive transactional utility and as a result, whenever the topic comes up on buying a new battery, I eagerly and willingly recommend Chloride Exide and emphasize their delivery as part of their terms of the transaction. It must be noted though, that in the pursuit for gaining feedback on how to optimize the terms of the transaction, the time between the end of the transaction and the survey should be as brief as possible. You want to get the feedback when it is hot and more recent. The longer it takes to obtain feedback on the level of transactional utility derived, the higher the likelihood that the consumer has either forgotten or moved on and cannot be bothered recalling the experience. Humans get by based on irrational be- havior that is punctuated with a series of biases (both conscious and unconscious) and rules of thumb, to allow us to save brain energy to focus on tasks that will require more brain power, like studying for an exam or picking the right mort- gage plan. In short, as humans, we have not evolved this far based on rational de- cisions - irrationality is what got us this far, and will continue to take us farther. The value of seeming fair and building positive transactional utility is more important for brands that plan to sell to the same customers for a long period. Not only will you, the brand, appear fair, but it gives the brand much needed goodwill which money cannot buy. You are literally tagging at emotive strings by seeming to act fair as a brand. FMCG brands and Telcos are just but a few of some of the industries that have a lot to lose, in terms of long-term goodwill, by seeming to act unfairly. Traditional economics are likely to dismiss this with adage “the world is not fair”. While that might be true, why should a brand or you as in individual have to subscribe to the majority notion, even if you know it is not right? A brands character and longevity is often determined by the selfless or selfish actions it decides to make. Brand custodians owe it to the customer and to the longevity of the brand, to make decisions that are not self-seeking but altruistic. This should not be confused to mean businesses should be philanthropic or increase their philanthropic initiatives to counter their acquisition utility approach, and neither am I advocating for businesses to price all their products/ services low - not at all. I am simply saying that brand custodians need to embrace their consumers’ irrationality instead of dismissing it as outliers or customers who “just don’t get it”. For brands that are in the midst of innovating and/or are in industries that have frequent transactions with the same customers, phrases and boardroom questions that are by-products of adopting an acquisition utility approach should be avoided, or at the very least used sparingly. Such phrases include, but are not limited to: How do we justify our pricing? What extra value can we showcase about our product/service? How do we amplify the benefit of the product/service/experience? Such phrases and questions ought to be substituted with phrases and questions that seek to build positive transactional utility among its customers. Simply put, brands need to understand the terms of trade that need to be enhanced, in order to drive positive transactional utility towards their brand. Both brand and customer are bound to benefit from such an approach, thanks to the one thing that has helped us survive all these years as a human race… IRRATIONALITY. The views and opinions shared herein are for the author, and are in no way a representation of any brand or company that the author has, or currently works for. Andrew Riungu works for Safaricom Limited, within the Research & Insights department, where he is tasked with helping the brand address the evolving needs of the diverse consumers Safaricom serves. You can commune with him on this or related matters via email at: [email protected].