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FROM WHERE I SAT Are Marketers Benefitting From Research? By Robert Wamai Introduction CIM quarterly breakfast late last year was sponsored by Ipsos and the topic of the day was aptly or ironically titled, ARE WE LISTENING? The objective was for Ipsos to find out from the participants (marketers and thus consumers of research) whether they (Ipsos) keenly listen when their (clients) approach them for research solutions. More importantly how does listening or lack of it, impact the outcome of research? clients) and us, research agencies’? He said this was an important discussion and calls for all of us to take a step back and listen keenly to understand the clients, as any disconnect will impact negatively the quality of the research, the research findings, the recommendations and even worse the decisions made. To enrich this article I later sat down with Enock to gain more insights from him. Thus the content of this article is a combination of the discussions at the breakfast and the session with Enock. Enock Wandera, the Chief Client Officer at Ipsos, introduced the discussion by asking, rhetorically, ‘could there be a disconnect between marketers (our From where I sat the session tackled two important and interrelated issues; firstly how can the quality of research be enhanced and secondly how can research It is becoming important for researchers to need to go further and find out wheth- er the client actioned the recommenda- tions and met their business or market- ing objectives. If need be they can work together with the client to implement the recommendations. This way the role of market research will be elevated to that of driving business growth not just gen- erating data, no matter how useful. 24 MAL28/19 ISSUE agencies expand their client base? There is an obvious correlation between the two: as the quality, hence usefulness, of research improves the number of clients seeking the same will naturally grow. It’s a ‘win win’ situation. To achieve the above objective the discussion sought to answer 2 questions: Are marketers (clients) benefitting from research and how can the quality of research be improved? Are Marketers Benefitting For Research? From the discussions it was agreed that market research is a critical business tool as it provides useful information that leads to fruitful decisions. As the quality of research has a direct and proportionate relationship to the quality of the decisions made it is critical that both the research companies and their clients strive to improve its quality. From the discussions there is no doubt that given the expanding number of research firms as well as clients seeking their services, research is deemed, by a growing number, as beneficial. However it was also unanimous that the number of clients and the amount of the research projects they commission needs to increase if the industry is to thrive going forward. In short the base needs to widen.