MAL 24/18 MAL-24:18 | Page 89

Calcium supplement : Calcium is critical to the health not only of your bones and teeth but of all organs , including the largest organ – the skin , as it plays a role in regulating the skin ’ s many functions . Most calcium in the skin is found in the outermost layer , and if you have less calcium levels , your epidermis can appear fragile , thin , and dry . A lack of calcium in the skin will prevent the shedding of dead skin cells and the production of new skin growth cells . In other words , your skin remains dull and old .
Calcium also allows neurons to signal one another , which ties in to the body system ; gut-brain-skin . Some of the calcium rich foods include : kale , raw milk , sardines , yoghurt etc . We need 500 mg daily of the calcium supplement . Please note some calcium brands contain vitamin D . be sure to check the levels before you purchase .
Collagen supplement : Collagen is the body ’ s most abundant protein . It comprises one-third of the body ’ s total protein , accounts for three-quarters of the dry weight of skin and is the most prevalent component of the extra-cellular matrix . So , as you can imagine , collagen continuously undergoes a cycle of renewal ( including breakdown and repair ).
In fact , it ’ s what makes your skin ( and muscles , which are also rich in collagen ) particularly adept at preparing cells after

Collagen is the body ’ s most abundant protein . It comprises onethird of the body ’ s total protein , accounts for three-quarters of the dry weight of skin and is the most prevalent component of the extra-cellular matrix . So , as you can imagine , collagen continuously undergoes a cycle of renewal ( including breakdown and repair ).

Vitamin E is an antioxidant ; a fat-soluble vitamin that stops the production of free radicals during oxidation . Vitamin E is also involved in immune function , regulating gene expression and other metabolic processes . You can get this vitamin by consuming sunflower seeds and some nuts ; Unfortunately , this vitamin is not found in many other foods which makes it difficult to absorb through diet .

damage . Best source of collagen is bone broth . Ingesting collagen daily can help with the skin renewal process .
Trace mineral supplements : The minerals most essential to skin health are zinc , copper , and selenium . If you get enough in your diet , you will not be deficient in these minerals and will not need to supplement with them , so be sure to do a blood test to check the levels .
Zinc - This mineral works as an antioxidant which will reduce the formation of damaging free radicals . It is also involved with cellular turnover and immune function and can reduce acne flare-ups . Zinc is naturally found in grass-fed meat , grains , sesame and pumpkin seeds , peas and beans . You need 10-30mg of zinc every day . Too much of zinc will put you at risk for copper deficiency . If you must supplement , remember zinc works together with copper
Copper - Good food sources of copper include dark leafy greens , legumes ( especially beans ), nuts and seeds , mushrooms , shellfish ( especially oysters ), avocados , and whole grains . Copper helps promote healthy skin , hair and eyes . Copper peptides in skin care promotes the production of collagen and elastin and act as an anti-inflammatory . We need 1.5-3mg of copper daily .
Selenium - This trace mineral is an antioxidant that protects other antioxidants , such as vitamin E . Foods high in selenium include Brazil nuts , halibut , sardines , grassfed beef , turkey , and chicken . Studies have shown that a deficiency in selenium may play a role in inflammatory skin conditions such as acne , eczema , and psoriasis . Selenium functions in an enzyme called glutathione peroxidase , which is important in preventing the inflammation that characterizes acne . We need 45mcg daily of selenium .
We use supplements in wellness practice as part of healing and repair . However , there are a few challenges that you might experience with over the counter supplements that you buy at your local chemist . For example ; the form of the nutrient may be cheap and poorly absorbed or used by the body ; or the dosage on the label may not match the dose in the pill . Another challenge is that the supplement may be filled with additives , colors , fillers , and allergens . The biggest challenge I have experienced is that the raw materials ( especially herbs ) may not be tested for toxins , such as mercury or lead .
Think of supplements as part of your diet . You want the best-quality food and the best-quality supplements you can buy . Guidance from a nutritionist , or nutritionally oriented physician or health care practitioner can be helpful in selecting the products that are right for you . Blessings !
Jennifer Mwangangi-Ayoti is a Chartered Marketer ( UK ), and a seasoned Wellness Coach at Licial Wellness . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail at : Info @ licialwellness . com . You can also visit the website at : www . licialwellness . com .