MAL 24/18 MAL-24:18 | Page 88

TIDINGS THAT INSPIRE Are There Supplements That Help You Achieve A Glowing Skin?? By Jennifer Mwangangi-Ayoti A bsolutely yes! I know we get all our nutrients from our diets that help our skin glow - and we should always aim for that. However, achieving optimal results daily through diet alone is not very realistic. We are super busy and sometimes despite giving our very best, we do fall short occasionally. Supplements should be discussed with your health practitioner before taking them. They should also support your holistic system; gut (digestive system), brain by nourishing the gut microbiome (microorganisms) and the skin. So here are 6 to go to supplements for a glowing skin. Vitamin E: This is an antioxidant; a fat- soluble vitamin that stops the production of free radicals during oxidation. Vitamin E is also involved in immune function, regulating gene expression and other metabolic processes. You can get this vitamin by consuming sunflower seeds and some nuts; Unfortunately, this vitamin is not found in many other foods which makes it difficult to absorb through diet. Calcium is critical to the health not only of your bones and teeth but of all organs, including the largest organ – the skin, as it plays a role in reg- ulating the skin’s many functions. Most calcium in the skin is found in the outermost layer, and if you have less calcium levels, your epidermis can appear fragile, thin, and dry. A lack of cal- cium in the skin will prevent the shedding of dead skin cells and the production of new skin growth cells. In other words, your skin remains dull and old. 86 MAL24/18 ISSUE Vitamin C: This is a water-soluble vitamin - excreted from our body through urine. It boosts immunity, acts as an assistant in enzyme activity that relates directly to the function and skin health. It controls some of the DNA repair that goes on in skin to forestall cancerous growth. Some of the foods high in vitamin C include; red peppers, Leafy greens, tomatoes, fruits like oranges etc. Since it is excreted from our bodies, we need to eat these vitamin C rich food throughout the day. We need about 1,000 mg of vitamin C supplement daily. Vitamin D: This is a hormone not a vitamin. It is produced in the skin upon sun exposure. It increases calcium levels and helps in strengthening of bones. Did you know the entire body has receptors for Vitamin D? That goes to show the importance of this vitamin in our bodies. Vitamin D protects neurons from the damaging effects of free radicals, reduce inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Foods rich in this vitamin include; eggs, salmon, mushrooms but the best source remains the sun. Best time to get sunshine is in the morning and evening when the sun is not too hot. We require 1000 IU of vitamin D supplement every day.