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myself, telling myself that I need to be more serious and more focused for example. I’d split hairs whenever I’d find myself repeating the same. It probably got to a point when I ‘accepted’ that this behavior was a character flaw that I’d have to live with for the rest of my life. Worse still, I believed that the only way for me to be motivated would be extrinsically, that is, a deadline set by someone other than myself was the only way that I could achieve things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to have people we’re accountable to but that level of dependence is certainly unhealthy. Fortunately, by God’s grace, I came across literature that helped me understand procrastination better and boy I couldn’t be more grateful. My situation in life right now is such that I have to be responsible for motivating myself and driving myself a lot more than in the past, without relying so much on extrinsic motivation. We all go through those moments when we tell ourselves, “I wish I knew that, what a difference it would have made.” When I studied material on procrastination and perfectionism, I definitely had that moment. But I also believe that there’s a reason for everything and in this case specifically, I can take the much I have learned and use it to improve my future. Marketing professionals are expected to consistently share and update plans, proposals and strategies. Delivering in good time is imperative otherwise repercussions can be felt up to the company’s profit and loss statement. Every one of us could do with better time management, however in the case of procrastination, it’s much more than just having to do lists, Gantt charts and whatever else. Procrastination means ‘to put off until tomorrow’ and is characterized by an inability to regulate our thoughts and behaviors to achieve an outcome within a reasonable time. I loved a description of procrastination as a trap. The thinking behind this trap is very simple. It’s a hole on a coconut that allows a monkey’s hand to go in and out on the condition that its hand is open. The moment it makes a fist then its hand can’t 70 MAL24/18 ISSUE Believe it or not in spite of the pressure, I’d still find myself running away until I could no longer run away. Like trying to outrun a fast moving vehicle, ulti- mately the due dates would draw close and I’d have to deliver. A good number of times, I’d be well organized and hand in whatever was required of me in good time and without feeling overwhelmed but then again a good number of times I’d use ‘last-minute pres- sure’ as my fuel to get things done. come out. Inside the coconut are some peanuts. The monkey puts its hand in and grabs the peanuts. It tries to pull its hand out but can’t because it’s still holding on to the peanuts. Unfortunately, the monkey doesn’t realize that the way to be free is to let go of the peanuts … We procrastinate because in the short- term it’s rewarding; however ultimately we get to the point of the proverbial “s$%* hits the fan” and we realize that the short- term reward from procrastinating is not worth the overwhelming trouble we face later on. It’s important to first understand ‘why’ you’re procrastinating and the reasons are never really quite the same for different circumstances. Generally, people procrastinate for reasons such as: feeling the task at hand is insurmountable, not knowing what to do or how to go about the task, having unrealistic expectations i.e. being a perfectionist, fear of failure or of ego being hurt, fear of success especially the raised bar as a result of doing well, negative perception of the task such as boring, unnecessary, etc., fear of loss of control especially when expectations such as deadlines are imposed on us, underestimating the amount of work a task needs, no immediate rewards, and what I believe is rarely, a lack of self- discipline. The feeling that the task at hand is insurmountable is generally tackled by breaking it down into little palatable tasks that eventually build into the final large piece. Use the time frame given to break down these tasks. As you complete these little tasks your self-esteem gets boosted and you feel empowered that indeed you can manage the full task. Not knowing how to go about the task can be managed by tools like brain-storming and mind-mapping. It also helps to talk to the authority above you on his/her expectations and how he/she feels you should go about the task. Perfectionism and ego go hand in hand. Being vulnerable is never easy, every one of us has the desire to present an image of ‘well-put together and no flaws’ however, in some cases, it becomes debilitating because you hardly get anything done and at times eve