MAL 24/18 MAL-24:18 | Page 41

bridge and continue searching for something better . You never know you may learn one or two things that will help you in your next appointment . At this point you may not have the luxury of being too choosy .
Wake Up And Show Up
The temptation to sleep in and enjoy some more sleep is super high , after all you are not going anywhere . However please remember we are creatures of habit and this will defintely affect you adversely . Try as much as possible to wake up early and get busy unto a routine . It may include watching news , meditating , some reading , going for a run or walk and showering thereafter . Basically get into the rigmarole of doing things on a schedule .
These are just a few ideas that we have found handyl in helping people get through this difficult time . Of course there are several more that we may have not captured here and this list is by no means exhaustive .
On your sojourn on this island realize many things will change around you as well . For example you will loose people you once regarded as very close friends and almost like family . They will simply disappear . Phone calls will reduce and social outings that were once the norm will completely varnish . Don ’ t fret or feel worthless , it ’ s a time to curl your ‘ useless ’ friends . Please let us know what you have found useful in your experience of being unemployed .
Simple Ways To Support Someone Who Lost Their Job
Check up on them regularly , especially if you are close . Be their buoy , so they don ' t lose sight of the things in life they can trust and latch on . Encourage them to get some air and sun . A healthy dose of air and sunlight can improve mood and help get better sleep . Boost your friend ' s spirits by helping them get out of the house for a walk when the sun shines .
Understand that their life is different for now . It can be strange to have so much time and uncertainty , particularly if they had a lot of structure in their day previously . Acknowledge their feelings . They may or may not talk about them , but they feel something no matter what . If they don ' t open up , you can share a story about a time in your life when you felt uncertain .
Laugh . Humor helps everyone cope . Help them take things less seriously . They ’ re unemployed , not comatose . There ’ s still a lot to enjoy ! Make a list of things you value in them … maybe things an employer would appreciate , and give it to them .
Offer to review / edit / spruce up their resume and send them jobs that fit their skill set , then offer to be their referee . You know them better and your reference will be invaluable apart from raising their spirits . Listen . Really listen , without waiting to talk . Invite them to do free stuff . Even if they have money in the bank , with less or no money coming in , it will be easier for them to commit to free or cheap activities .
Exercise with them . Or encourage them to do activities you know they enjoy . It ' s easier to stay upbeat when you feel good physically . ( Those endorphins help !) Ask them what they really want to do , what they would do if the money wasn ’ t an issue . Maybe they ' re considering taking this break to make a career change . That ’ s scary stuff , meaning they ’ ll need lots of encouragement .
Don ' t complain about your job . Okay , if you must , try to keep it to a minimum . No matter how difficult your boss is , you can at least say you have a boss . ( Which is exactly what your friend will think ). Check in with their family to see how they ’ re handling the change . Anyone who depends on your friend will be affected in some way . What better way to be a friend than to remind them you ’ re there for support .
People often think of unemployment as floating adrift somewhere between point A and point B . And then they try their hardest to get to B so they can be happy again . Get a consistent paycheck , settle in , and feel safe , secure , and certain . You ’ ll get there , however life is rarely certain . You only have this moment .
Unemployment provides a great opportunity to accept , adapt , and enjoy , even if things aren ’ t perfect now . Together we can create an atmospheres of growth and development no matter how bad life hits us . It ’ s a state of being Jobless not Valueless ! So come on lets get out there and be the friend someone needs and lift spirits , being sensitive and caring . Always remember … You ’ ve got the POWER within you !
Flavor Mang ’ ula is a Life and Leadership coach , and very passionate about the family . He loves cooking and enjoys preparing gourmet meals . His mantra is “ Every Day is Day One !” You can reach him on Flavor . Ladha @ gmail . com and @ Ladhatamu on both Twitter and IG .