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that you will probably be back at work sooner rather than later . Nothing lasts forever .
Develop A Daily Plan Of Action
Just because you are in between jobs doesn ’ t mean you are without a “ job ”. Your current job is looking for a job ! Never forget that ! Set aside sometime each day for job searches and applications . Don ’ t expect instant replies and positive replies , but keep at it . There will be many disappointments and even near job offers in the sense that you are the last candidate between two and it goes the other way . Let this not deter you but rather embolden you . Be persistent it will open up in a way you will probably least expect .
Schedule Some Fun For Yourself
Although you are unemployed , you don ’ t have to be blue and morose . Its not the end of life , just a speed bump on the continuum of life . Start a new hobby , do some travelling if you can , start offering volunteer services etc . Do something , don ’ t throw a pity party . It ’ s the daily dose of positivity that will elevate you to a positive mindset . Do some online courses , have lunch with friends , etc . Remember your mindset and the level of your ‘ Feel Good ’ will determine your initial success and drive on your next job . If you dip too low you will struggle at your new job and may end up losing it altogether .
Don ’ t Put Yourself Down
Self-criticism is a major burden during this time for you . Losing a job doesn ’ t make you a loser , it only means that you are part of the changing work force . Write down all these negative thoughts and challenge them daily with reality . For example , “ I ’ m worthless ” can be challenged with , “ Im educated and worked and realized success . I have friends and family who value me ” When you speak positivity to yourself it builds your self esteem and gives you hope .
Don ’ t Ruminate
If you are like a lot of unemployed people you are spending too much time brooding and chewing over negative thoughts like , “ Why me ?”, “ Will I ever find a job ”, and “ I can ’ t believe this has happened ”.

Just because you are in between jobs doesn ’ t mean you are without a “ job ”. Your current job is looking for a job ! Never forget that ! Set aside sometime each day for job searches and applications . Don ’ t expect instant replies and positive replies , but keep at it . There will be many disappointments and even near job offers in the sense that you are the last candidate between two and it goes the other way . Let this not deter you but rather embolden you . Be persistent it will open up in a way you will probably least expect .

Unemployment is a natural condition of free market economies and it ’ s important to recognize that you didn ’ t make the economy work the way it is not working now . When you start ruminating ask yourself , “ Is there any productive action that this will lead to ? How does this help with where I am at and how I ’ m feeling ?” If not , then plan some productive action aimed toward another goal .
Join A Community
Don ’ t isolate yourself during this time . Get involved in communities , such as your church or religious organization or a local association like Rotary , Book Club , Environment Club etc . Alternatively make some time for online communities like Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter , Instagram etc , connect with people . Getting involved in professional organizations , political interest groups , activity groups and other organized activities will give you a sense of connectedness and a feeling that you are valued . Communities help sustain us during the difficult times and give us a larger meaning of life at all times . We were never meant to exist in isolation .
Be The Help That Someone Needs
One of the best ways to put things in perspective is to find someone else who needs you . There are endless opportunities to feel like you matter . A buddy once told me that one of the most meaningful things that he ever did was to volunteer at a childrens home and be a father to the fatherless kids . Other people have found that caring for the old , visiting the sick in the hospital , or helping others was the best way that they could help themselves . Someone somewhere needs you never forget that .
Stretch Time
It ’ s natural for you to feel a sense of urgency in finding a job , but if you can keep yourself within a tight financial budget and weather the storm , there really may be no urgency . One man felt discouraged after several months of unemployment , but when I suggested the possibility of stretching time to give himself more of an opportunity , he felt immensely relieved . He eventually did get a job and he looks back at that prior time as one that was difficult but also one that helped him know who his real friends were .
Reduce And / Or Quit Drinking / Gambling …
This may sound quite adverse , however when you are in betweeen jobs the desire and temptation to binge drink is super high and the propensity of going overboard is almost guaranteeed . Knowing full well that we are human , we need to understand that we are extremely vulnerable during this time and anything would most certainly fly . The lure of gambling is also very real and central driven by the greedy desire of wanting to ‘ multiply ’ the little that you have . Stay clear of such temptation .
Be Flexible
There will be job opportunities that will come up that will probably be junior appointments to you , however at such times , if its available take it up as you
38 MAL24 / 18 ISSUE