MAL 24/18 MAL-24:18 | Page 38

FAMILY MATTERS Jobless Not Valueless! By Flavor Mang’ula T even suicide. There is decreased quality of mental health, life satisfaction, and objective physical well-being. The unemployed are likely to worry about their financial situation, never knowing for sure when they will find a new job. It’s a difficult time,but not an impossible one. How do we adjust and continue to find meaning in life? unemployed people have been flexible about their spending habits and have been able to adjust to the changing situation. But many unemployed people suffer from depression, anxiety, rumination, and a sense of hopelessness. Lets seek to explore on some mechanisms on how to cope with this predicament. And never forget this, that no situation is permanent! Accept Your Reality Organizations are reeling from a slumped economy, jobs are being cut daily rendering thousands jobless, many SME owners are even closing their business to seek employment which are as scarce as can be. Inflation is climbing at a frenetic pace reaching almost 8% in January and unemployment hitting almost 12%. Many of us if not all have faced unemployment in one way or another, either directly or indirectly in form of a relative or a friend. Some unemployed people adjust reasonably well to the situation, viewing the situation as temporary, caused by factors beyond their control, and even as a time to get away from the stress and rigmarole of work, work, work. The unemployed face increased risk for binge drinking, depression, anxiety, and Although unemployment is generally associated with decreased income, some he number of people today who are off work and are lost in a quandary on what to do next, is appalling and worrying. Its been a tough period that has lasted close to three years. Many people have adjusted, re-adjusted and totally cut down on even basic needs yet life is relentless. How does one cope? Is there even a mechanism to cope? You have sent several applications, tried several ventures, but nothing seems to work. The unemployed face increased risk for binge drinking, depression, anxiety, and even sui- cide. There is decreased quality of mental health, life satisfaction, and objective physical well-being. The unemployed are likely to worry about their financial situation, never knowing for sure when they will find a new job. It’s a dif- ficult time,but not an impossible one. How do we adjust and continue to find meaning in life? 36 MAL24/18 ISSUE One of the first things you need to accept is that you are jobless. However doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. There are a lot of things that we have learned to accept in our lives, for instance traffic, disappointment, injustice, growing older, losses etc. Accepting reality simply means that you recognize that it is what it is, and don’t resist or fight it. For example, if your organization is downsizing, and you are laid off, don’t fret, you may go through the motions but get back on your seat squarely and accept the reality. It may be unpleasant but that’s not the time to ask why me, but rather ask what do I do next? Normalize The Issue When you watch the news you recognize that you are not alone. Millions of people are in the same boat and across the world. That doesn’t mean the boat is sinking, it may be heavy and overloaded but it will not sink. Most recessions and dark times are usually followed by times of robust and exponential growth. If you are out of work, join the crowd. But also recognize