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your life connected to your life purpose . Imagine a juggler juggling balls , some of which are made of glass . If he drops the other balls , they can be picked up again , but the glass balls will break and be destroyed . What , in your life , is represented by the glass balls ? Be clear about these vital , irreplaceable parts of your life , including your relationship with God , your life purpose , your family and your health .
Say No
To avoid getting overwhelmed , create boundaries with people and no longer try to please everyone by saying ‘ Yes ’ to all requests in an effort to be the nice guy . Evaluate requests based on your purpose and priorities and only say , ‘ Yes ’ if you mean it . This will earn you respect and help you focus on developing your life and living your purpose instead of blindly following other people ’ s agendas .
Clear the Clutter
One of the biggest contributors to a brooding sense of overwhelm is clutter . As we go through life , we accumulate things - furniture , appliances , clothes , shoes , books , magazines and paper . Our virtual world is no different – our phones , tablets and computers are usually teeming with messages , files , folders , videos , games and apps that we no longer use . Aggressively and decisively organize your living , work and virtual space – and keep it that way . Sell or give away your stuff .
household , exercise and so on .
She used to struggle to finish even one book a year , and just by consistently reading for 10 minutes a day on her new plan , she has been able to read over 6 books since 2017 . Chunking your life and consistently working on the sections will help you accomplish more without feeling overwhelmed .
Become a Planner
The Bible says that without a vision a people perish . Have you written your vision for your life ? Have you set milestones for the next 3 years ? Do you know what you need to accomplish in 2018 towards your vision ? Regular planning gives you clarity
on where you are now , where you want to go , and how you will get there .
Paul Meyers , master salesman and writer , encourages people to plan , saying , “ Plan your progress carefully ; hour-by-hour , day-by-day , month-by-month . Organized activity and maintained enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power .” As you plan , be realistic in your scheduling so that you don ’ t end up discouraged because of doing less than you had planned .
Act NOW and Review Regularly
Without exception , truly successful people are planners – and actioners . There
If you need to keep your paper , create files and folders for them . Delete unnecessary files , folders and apps . Organize your photos and videos . Become a minimalist – keep only what is necessary to effectively function in your life now . The Japanese 5-S work-place organization method tells us how to do this : Sort ( Seiri ), Set in Order ( Seiton ), Sweep or Shine ( Seiso ), Standardize ( Seiketsu ), and Sustain ( Shitsuke ). These steps will help you create and maintain order so that clutter does not build up again .
Compartmentalize your life
We sometimes get overwhelmed trying to do it all . A participant in a recent business women ’ s forum shared about using a wheel to section out her life , so that there are dedicated times for work , reading ( minimum 10 minutes a day , but still ), her husband , taking care of her
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30 MAL24 / 18 ISSUE