MAL 24/18 MAL-24:18 | Page 12

The damage done on the local restaurant and on Starbucks could cost them a lot of money in just a few days. A brand will recover quickly if it accepts its wrong doing and owns up to its mistakes. A flimsy or delayed apology will not be tolerated by online users neither will a display of arrogance be accepted. The most interesting aspect about online crisis communications is the customer. Loyal customers have proven to be the best back up in a crisis. They work better than a plan that is written years before the crisis happens. Consider the Pepsi ad that threw the internet into a frenzy. An ad that was trying to portray unity and empathy ended up irking the internet users. The ad which features Kendall Jenner of Keeping up with the Kardashians show has her walking out of a fashion photo shoot to join a protest. Jenner throws off her wig and walks off the photography set to join a marching crowd. Her model outfit is transformed into a full denim outfit. She shares nods and fist bumps with fellow protesters managing to bring everyone together and hands a policeman a Pepsi 10 MAL24/18 ISSUE Proactive risk management has become extremely critical for all brands in business today. Smaller organizations run a greater risk of suffering brand damage. No matter the size of an organization, all employees need to be made aware that their actions, even when they are just following company policy as in the case of Starbucks, may land the company into a crisis. in a complete show of unity that Pepsi is a factor of unity that ends protests. The imagery Pepsi used in its ad was a replay of the protest around the Black Lives Matter campaign that sparked global conversations on racism. Pepsi’s tone deafness is what the whole internet eventually agreed on. While Pepsi was innocently trying to project a global imagery of unity, peace and understanding around a subject that once brought the online ‘war’, it instead managed to unite the same followers against its own brand. Social media users accused Pepsi saying it made light of a weighty situation. In no time the internet was full of memes with pictures from the World War and Cold War with accompanying tag lines like, ‘If only Daddy would have known the power of Pepsi’ and ‘If only Martin Luther King would have had that Pepsi.’ Not one Pepsi drinker supported the ad. Days following the offensive ad by Pepsi, Clutch, a research company conducted a survey and found a slight drop in willingness to buy Pepsi from 58% to 55%. In just a month following the launch of the ad the customer willingness had moved back up to 56%. Most customers said the news coverage did not affect