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but the results can often be dramatic. People who have risen to the top of any organization are usually good managers but are they good leaders? You can be a good manager without being a good leader. Management is about rules, procedures, guidelines, performance management and discipline. Leadership is far more about providing vision and being able to demonstrate the behaviours that turn that vision into reality. Are the senior people in your organization demonstrating the necessary client focused behaviours to illustrate that they actually believe that the ‘client is king’. You need to articulate the ‘vision’ that drives the differentiation statements; walk the talk; identify any negative behaviours and eliminate them; ensure the firm’s success measures ‘reward’ the right behaviours; and your ‘systems’ encourage people to ‘do what is right’ for the client, and not just firm focused. You need to put in place training and development programmes that can assist with identifying and developing the behaviours that will truly ‘differentiate’ you from the competition. These programmes must be strong enough to change some of the wrongly held perceptions, which may be deeply ingrained into your corporate culture. These behaviours are equally important inside the firms as they are to the outside population of clients and potential clients, and if well nurtured can deliver dramatic returns in your quest for a meaningful differentiation. Dr. Clifford J. Ferguson is the Managing Partner of Rainmakers, and Chairman of Glad’s House. You can commune with him on this or related matters via email at: Cliff. [email protected], or visit their website: