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an Appointing Authority. (rule 20) as well as, an estimate of the costs contract running concurrently. of the process once an arbitral or mediation Administration of disputes under the process is initiated (First schedule). The First schedule to the Rules also provide NCIA Arbitration (2015) rules is guidelines for the fees and costs of the therefore, a value addition service ensuring Furthermore, Rule 28 and Rule 10 provide Tribunal, enabling the Counsel to advise systematic management of disputes, parties with guidelines on appointment Clients on the requisite reserve provisions thus enhancing efficiency in dispute of Emergency Arbitrators and expedited necessary to settle the tribunal’s fees and management processes. formation of tribunals to address any need costs. Furthermore on cost management, for urgent relief by the Parties. This is NCIA collects funds on trust for both Versatility of the NCIA Arbitration necessary for parties seeking interim relief parties guaranteeing accountability of (2015) rules enable the parties to attempt through an arbitral process and further the sums deposited through provision of amicable settlement through mediation require an expedited process that will statements upon conclusion of the dispute. despite initiating Arbitration proceedings ensure conclusion of the dispute within 6 as provided under Rule 32 of the NCIA months of its commencement. Currently, the administrative tasks are Arbitration Rules which allow for the undertaken by qualified staff in the Case reference of the dispute to mediation, Being independent of both parties, Management Department on behalf of the suspending the arbitration, whilst ensuring appointment services by NCIA provide tribunal and parties ensuring that disputes that the reference is done in a timely and a just framework for selection and are efficiently and cost effectively managed cost effective manner. appointment of tribunals from the elite for the benefit of all parties including list managed by the Centre ensuring that counsel. Further, the versatile nature of the NCIA the selected tribunal has the requisite Arbitration (2015) rules allow parties qualification and competence to undertake In conclusion, administration of disputes to choose the time limited “MEDARB” the dispute process. NCIA as a general under the NCIA Arbitration (2015) Rules clause which require parties to initiate rule also requires Arbitrators to guarantee provides parties and counsel the guarantee mediation before referring the dispute for their availability, impartiality and lack of of a process that is expedited, efficiently Arbitration. conflict prior to appointment, ensuring managed and cost effective and access to a that disputes are resolved in a timely panel of renowned Arbitration practitioners. Cost effectiveness and efficiency of the manner. Arbitral process is safeguarded by the NCIA Arbitration (2015) rules (Rule 6, A unique feature of the Arbitration rules Wachia Kilei is a Senior Case Counsel at the 7,11and 14) which provide set timelines is rule 20 which provides parties with Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration and procedures for appointment of the right to apply for consolidation of (NCIA). You can engage her on this or related tribunals, exchange of pleadings, challenge disputes into one. This provision is critical matters via mail at: [email protected]. of tribunal, default provisions for seat (rule for parties seeking to consolidate claims 18), applicable law (rule 19) and language arising from the same cause of action and A hospitality consulting firm specialized in staff training, competency development and project management OUR SERVICES Staff Recruitment In-House Training Competency Development Project Management Hotel Management [email protected] | +255 756 716 496 | Njiro, Arusha