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the territory we are operating in. That is the only way to maintain relevance at the market place. In a fast paced world we are faced with a situation where competition is often coming from non-traditional sources. Retail chains dominance is challenged by online retailers, fixed line telephony by mobile and mobile by skype/online. The following are some of the evidence of the challengers of the marketing profession. Digital Marketing by ICT Professionals They say that nowadays you have to be online one way or another. Any serious business has to be online on various platforms including social media. A 2016 study put Kenyan facebook users at over 5 million monthly with daily average internet usage of 6 hours or more. How do you engage with all these consumers in social media and other platforms? Who are the go to guys for this? The answer is not the traditional marketing guy but most likely an ICT professional or an IT savvy marketing professional. Most successful digital media strategies will be executed and planned by non- marketing professionals. Digital skills upgrade is a must for the marketing professionals without an option. Still a collabo with ICT professionals can result to a win-win situation for both professions. Threats from Big Data and Robotics According to Bernard Marr a Forbes Contributor among the 10 professional jobs under threat from big data includes marketing and advertising. Bernard states that we shouldn’t feel safe when we hear or read news stories about imminent takeover of robots and algorithms that will eliminate jobs for human workers; this is normally associated with blue collar jobs like factory workers and taxi drivers as professional jobs are also at a threat of being outsourced to computers. He quotes Persado, a natural language software firm, which has put its computers to the task of writing compelling email subject lines for large retail organizations that can as much as double open rates. He also states that companies are also experimenting with automated ad buying: instead of having people choose which magazines to place ads in and on which pages, the computers take care of it, using billions of data points for reference. and even outside the organization will definitely be a pre-requisite. Collaborat