MAL 23/18 MAL23:18 | Page 17

The effectiveness of advertising may have reduced as it is easy to skip ads and even block them out completely , but emotions cannot be blocked out . Our changing marketing landscape , vicious competition and increased demand for memorable UX calls on us to be more audacious .

be used in the sports industry given the growing female fan base of soccer , golf , and even niche sports like Formula 1 .
Without praising Bernays technique , as his campaign resulted in more deaths from cancer related to smoking , we must appreciate that persuasion works .
The effectiveness of advertising may have reduced as it is easy to skip ads and even block them out completely , but emotions cannot be blocked out . Our changing marketing landscape , vicious competition and increased demand for memorable UX calls on us to be more audacious .
We must stop selling facts and start connecting with customers feelings in more memorable and persuasive ways . The market is also changing , we can only grow if we work on making our secondary market our primary target . Persuasion is one tactic as we can learn from Maya Angelou : People will forget what you said , people will forget what you did , but people will never forget how you made them feel .
Diana Obath is a seasoned Public Relations and Communications Specialist . You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail on : ObathD @ gmail . com . the Great Depression . We still know diamonds are forever !
IBM used the persuasion tactic of safety with their 2014 phrase ‘ Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM ’ while Red Bull infuses excitement with their catch line ‘ Red bull gives you wings .’ None of these famous phrases is a fact , but they make you feel good , feel safe , feel excited , feel empowered , feel appreciated . More feeling than knowing .
What if Gillette had classes for women to teach them how to shave and wax men ’ s beards , chests and even legs . It is my assumption that women would attend these classes to keep their husbands and boyfriends from going to get the service at the barber shop . Sale of shaving razors would grow in tandem with this because women would be buying razors for their men . Most men prefer to go the barber shop because the service is professional , available , quick and affordable . But how much more would they prefer to do it at home , or more often without the hustle of calling the barber ?
Watch makers have successfully managed to use this tactic to unify the two genders . It is easy to find a unisex watch . Top designers are increasingly launching unisex watches with a big face that stands out when used by both genders . This approach to growing marketing share can