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LEADERSHIP 5 Tips On How To Deal With Your Haters By Matshona Dhliwayo T hey are everywhere - envious people, or haters as they have now come to be called, have been around since the beginning of time. Rich or poor, learned or unlearned, saint or sinner, we have all encountered them. One of the very first crimes in the Bible was rooted in envy; Cain maliciously killed his younger brother Abel when the sacrifice he offered to God was accepted and his wasn’t. Envy is the most extreme form of jealousy. It comes about as a result of someone feeling inferior or slighted because of what you have or what you are. Haters believe that you don’t deserve something or that whatever you have is better than theirs. Willing to put someone down to feel good about themselves, envious people are willing to lie, steal, kill, and even destroy themselves to inflict misfortune on those they begrudge. It is the reason why Saul, an ancient king of Israel, pursued David, a mere shepherd boy, and it is also the very cause of why Jesus, a prophet-sage, was crucified by the religious elites of his time. Although he had done nothing wrong, their envy of his superior knowledge and wisdom led to his arrest and subsequent death sentence. One would think that we would have learned our lesson by now, but as with all things, times may change, but human nature does not. As a result, there is not a soul on the planet who does not need to learn how to deal with haters. There are many strategies, and below are the most effective from my bank. Ignore Them Ignore their comments; remind yourself that the loudest boos often come from the No matter how far you distance yourself, some haters will never leave you alone, come rain or sunshine. Driven by envy, they can neither eat nor sleep peacefully until they trouble you. The best thing to do in this situation is to rise above them. If you try to please your haters, you will end up losing the most valuable thing you have in your life: yourself! 84 MAL22/18 ISSUE cheapest seats. It is your duty to keep doing what you’re doing - excel. Your calling is to achieve your highest potential, helping others in the process. Don’t waste time validating the feelings of someone who is not comfortable in his or her own skin. Distance Yourself from Them If their negative comments persist even after ignoring them, set boundaries. If you keep hearing and meditating on their hurtful remarks, you may find yourself believing them. Change your environment and associations to reduce your interactions with them. Confront Them You only need to address them directly when distancing yourself has failed. Be open, but tactful. Let them know how their actions make you feel. Being polite prevents you from worsening an already deteriorating situation. Cut Them Off When all else has failed, sever ties. Do whatever you can to avoid them. If you typically meet them on the way to work, take a different path; if you take lunch at the same time, try to switch schedules. If they happen to join a discussion you are part of, if you can, excuse yourself. If they happen to engage you in any discussion, politely end it. It’s a lot easier said than