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their close family members in the hands of a stranger every day in the name of Uber. Even adverts should reflect the work of art. They should be beautiful, entertaining and informative. Safaricom’s advert with a beautiful choir is a good example. If for nothing else, the music is good. With the clutter in the market, there is no space for basic advertisements enumerating product attributes and benefits. It’s now a global world. Location as we knew is irrelevant. Selling online is the new normal. Feedback is now escalated. Backlash for poor services or bad products are broadcast online vide. From wherever you are located, you can address the world so instead of spending a fortune opening branches everywhere, craft a brand and invest in online marketing. It’s the new vehicle to serve the world. Hold your breath, technology is not about to replace marketers. It’s however a present danger to the routine order takers. To survive, marketers must elevate their role to that of a craftsmen and turn marketing into an art. Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Craft on the other hand is an activity involving skill in making things by hand. While Apps can be developed to make clothes, a hand stitched suit or hand-made shoes is still superior. While Apps can mix all the recipes in the world to produce great cuisines, food made by experienced chefs is ever the better option. Whereas Apps can showcase houses online, an experienced realtor is needed to take one through the property buying process. One can mix all the beats to produce great music through the computer but it will never surpass real music played by strumming guitars, drums and saxophones, flutes and all other instruments. Simply, no app can replace the skill of a craftsman. applications.And ladies too take notice, Samantha is on the prowl. In a word, marketers have to be craftsmen. Roles such as building relationships, negotiation, empathy and problem solving is now the next marketing front. Also, sales people must build adequate product knowledge beyond that which can be dispensed through computer Evans Majeni is a businessman selling Apple Products in Nairobi and a director at Tahidi Homes Limited. He enjoys stepping on big toes and paying the price. You can reach him via mail on this or related issues at: [email protected]. Woe unto you unless you turn yours into a craft; I’m informed Samantha is very good, you may end up in the same dustbin with marketers.