MAL 22/18 MAL 21/17 | Page 98

people according to the Old Testament. But as stories often go, the Jews did not see eye to eye with the new religions. Somehow the Christians managed to append their holy book to the Old Testament and called it the New Testament while the Arabs not to be left out had their own version of a holy book which they named with finality as the last testament. What these religions did was to create a political tinderbox in the Middle East as they all found ways to lay claim to the now so called holy land. And as was atypical to the Old Testament the wars continued from where they had stopped. It seems the journey to Canaan is always violent. Fast forward to the year of our lord 2016 and in that year a King, actually a president, is elected to the constitutional democracy of America with the seat of the regent, actually the white house, based in Washington. America is still hailed as the defender of the faithful or global cop. In the year 2017, after one year of his reign, this is how history is written, the American monarch (the president) addressed his people and issued a decree formally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered the relocation of their temple (embassy) to Jerusalem. Now that history has been written and the expected fallout has already been set in motion and the usually volatile region has been made a lot more tense and ‘days of rage’ have been declared and hosannas have been sung in other quarters, one begins to try to understand the mess. According to Ochieng’s atlas the capital of Israel is Tel Aviv and he wonders if America has the version 2.0 which they have not bothered to share. There is a place called Jerusalem in America and one wonders if that is the town they were referring to. (Only if ) But more interestingly why would an American president, who to the best of our knowledge has many challenges back home take time from his twitter obsession to light a fire halfway across the world and then retire to mar-a-lago to watch ‘fake news’ he has created on CNN. 96 MAL21/17 ISSUE The last word on jus- tice should be to co- rrect present injus- tices if they exist and not to delve into his- torical injustices as you cannot correct a past injustice without creating a present in- justice. Even the co- lonial farmer in Kenya who had to leave felt an injustice had been committed. The American president made it quite clear that all he was doing was to correct a historical injustice by recognizing Jerusalem as the correct and ordained capital of Israel. This assertion, he claims is based on historical and biblical fact. If that is his source of reference then the president does need to refresh on his schooling but since he already knows he is the most intelligent man he knows, there is not much hope for that. But why do Israelis need a poorly schooled American president to help them locate their capital. Whether the American president is clinically sane or not is not really the issue, what Ochieng would lie to know is at what point one begins to redress a historical injustice? Do we go back ten years, a century, a millennium or five thousand years and who is the arbiter? It appears to Ochieng that the Assyrians, the Greek, the Romans, the Arabs, the British and even the United Nations let alone the Palestinians can lay claim on Jerusalem depending on how far back one wishes to go back to. Is the Jewish claim historical or biblical? At one time Kenya was proposed as a possible site for the resettlement of the dispersed Jews. Israel would have been between Kenya and Uganda and probably the mau mau uprising would have been against the Israelis not the British. Wh ich raises the question, we have every five years raised the question of the so called historical injustices in Kenya as a campaign issue. What has never been clear is who can make the claim and who the arbiter should be. Kenya got rid of its one glaring historical injustice when it got independence from British rule. But what the British left was a demarcated country that had his boundaries both externally that defined Kenya and internally that defined administrative divisions. Would historical injustice be righted if we were to reunite border communities that were arbitrarily put in different countries by colonial boundaries? Would historical injustice be righted if tribal grouping that used to roam the length and breadth of Kenya are allowed to resume their wanderings? How would the coastal region correct historical injustice? By removing the remaining remnants of Omani and Yemeni overlords or the removal of the upcountry settlers into the coastal paradise. Who is the rightful owner of the coast taking history and stories into consideration? As we have gleaned from the much abbreviated history of the Palestine, historical claims can be very flimsy grounds to claim ownership and the attempt to correct the perceived injustices are steeped with peril as the not so bright American president has attempted to do. The last word on justice should be to correct present injustices if they exist and not to delve into historical injustices as you cannot correct a past injustice without creating a present injustice. Even the colonial farmer in Kenya who had to leave felt an injustice had been committed. If Kenya’s political future is to be pegged to correcting historical injustices then get prepared for monumental upheavals that will only be settled when the last man with a memory still breathes. The history and stories of the world is a chronicle of injustices – as the adage goes ‘The world is not fair!’