MAL 22/18 MAL 21/17 | Page 97

where we were marshaled and ordered to keep quiet and listen to the word of god . Ochieng soon realized that the Sunday school was yet another history class as the teacher spent all her time dramatizing the story of the chosen people of god . Ochieng never figured out why that particular god discriminated against all other people .
Surprisingly the Old Testament turned out to be a rather violent chronicle of the apparent enslavement and the liberation of the Hebrew people . The search of a homeland for the Jews and their particular relationship with their god was what the holy book was all about .
There was disobedience , treachery , murder , idolatry and all those ingredients that make a good story but then this was actually history but along the way it became a holy book and that was when Ochieng became confused and wondered why the Greek stories were not also holy books .
Eventually , according to the story , or the history or the holy book , the nation of the desert wanderers fought their way into Canaan , the Promised Land according to themselves and displaced the indigenous people and apparently prospered .

“ Would historical injustice be righted if we were to reunite border communities that were arbitrarily put in different countries by colonial boundaries ? Would historical injustice be righted if tribal grouping that used to roam the length and breadth of Kenya are allowed to resume their wanderings ?”

Then there was more disruption and conquering and bloodshed as the famous diaspora was set in motion and the chosen people were scattered to the four corners of the world , apparently the world was then square as the good book did not allude to its roundness .
Many histories and stories henceforth saw the rise and fall of many empires and it seemed that there was an inbuilt nature of empires to self-destruct after a suitable amount of time which allowed historians to pen down the stories .
During the British Empire some people decided to help god and send his people back to Canaan , which was by then called Palestine and they created a Jewish state called Israel much to the chagrin of the desert dwellers of the time .
Apparently through a convoluted mélange of religion and history and with a smattering of political chicanery which involved the Roman , Arab and European interference which saw the west supplant the Arabs as the defender of the holy lands .
The cauldron of religious upheaval that was the Middle East saw the rise of two new world religions Christianity and Islam who both claim descent from the chosen


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