MAL 22/18 MAL 21/17 | Page 60


Hypertension … The Silent Killer !

By Kepha Nyanumba

Although we live in a world full of technological developments , where food is widely available and healthcare facilities are greatly advanced , the global population is generally not getting healthier and the number of cases of people suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension is on the rise . T

Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against artery walls as it courses through the body . Like air in a tire or water in a hose , blood fills arteries to a certain capacity . Just as too much air pressure can damage a tire or too much water pushing through a garden hose can damage the hose , high blood pressure can threaten healthy arteries and lead to lifethreatening conditions .
The World Health Organization rates hypertension as one of the most important causes of premature death worldwide and the problem is growing .
Hypertension is a risk factor for coronary heart disease and the single most important risk factor for stroke . It causes about 50 % of ischaemic strokes and increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke . Hypertension stresses your body ’ s blood vessels , causing them to clog or weaken . It leads to atherosclerosis and narrowing of the blood vessels making them more likely to block from blood clots .
If you have high blood pressure , you ’ ll probably find out about it during a routine checkup . Or , you may have noticed a problem while taking your own blood pressure . Some people experience essential hypertension , and its origin may be genetic , or due to your lifestyle including diet and physical inactivity . Secondary hypertension is caused by conditions such as problems with your kidneys , certain medicines and some other

Maintaining a healthy weight helps alleviate unnecessary stress on the heart . Excess weight makes the heart work harder than it needs to and is often associated with other heart conditions often associated with hypertension .

medical problems .
The good news is that unlike your family history , making changes to your lifestyle habits are within your control . Studies show that each lifestyle change you make has the potential to lower your blood pressure readings .

Maintaining a healthy weight helps alleviate unnecessary stress on the heart . Excess weight makes the heart work harder than it needs to and is often associated with other heart conditions often associated with hypertension .

58 MAL21 / 17 ISSUE