MAL 19/17 (MARKETING AFRICA) | Page 98

incompetent president was voted in mainly for the bad boy image that he was able to project on the campaign trail. He abused the then incumbent president, disrespected women, promised to deport immigrants, bragged on how rich he was, refused to file his tax returns and managed to irritate as many people as he could and in the process became the 45th President of the most powerful country in the world. Six months into his presidency and he has already managed to isolate America by annoying all his traditional allies and he is not apologetic yet as he maintains that his mandate is to make America great again even though he has not explained who he is comparing America to. But the bad boy image is not confined to men only. Marie le Pen ran a very successful campaign for the French presidency and nearly clinched it on a negative platform. She preached racism and was under investigation for financial impropriety which only made her more popular. In Kenya we have our dear Ann Waiguru who was hounded out of office for fraud in her ministry. The scams that are still in court and as yet to be resolved launched her political career. Apparently there is nothing more attractive than a woman with balls. So popular is this lady that she may very well be back into the public limelight as a governor and that would not be a mean feat. The no apology bad-boy image is the attraction factor in this situation and she has capitalized on it to bounce back. Her main rival in the gubernatorial race is the very Martha Karua, the iron lady of the Kenyan politics, at the height of her power she was 96 MAL 19/17 ISSUE ‘‘ Ochieng would like to know if there is something inherent in the human psyche that predisposes us to admire the rebel and misfit in society because that would then be able to explain why we are in so much trouble as a world.’’ known as the only man in Kibaki’s government due to her no-nonsense approach to issues and an abrasive character. Scandals and a high-handed manner of dealing with issues propelled her to an all-time high popularity in the government and as the Justice Minister was able to stand her own against a barrage of attempted male bullying. Cut in the same cloth is Charity Ngilu the canny politician who is never far away from scandals both personal and financial but has managed to turn her notoriety into massive political capital and has survived the local political landscape. She has managed to stay relevant in the political scene even without a defined constituency and it will be interesting to see how her bid to become a governor goes. In spite of all the negatives that can be attached to her name she remains a popular political figure. Ochieng would like to know if there is something inherent in the human psyche that predisposes us to admire the rebel and misfit in society because that would then be able to explain why we are in so much trouble as a world. The bad boys of the world create negative energy and pull the world backwards yet we seem to be attracted to that trait that eventually wreaks havoc in the world. Why would a good man admire a bad man and adore him? Is that the reason why our political arena is populated with social misfits and crooks whose only agenda is to get a free lunch from us and proceed to not do anything? Why are there so many morally numb and uncouth people in our politics? But the politicians are voted into office by apparently sane voters who know what they want but apparently they don’t if the crop of politicians from the national government to the county government is anything to go by. We are the problem not the politicians. How much political abuse do we need to go through before we say enough is enough? When do we stop voting in fraudsters and con men and expect our country will magically flourish and develop. The principle is the same as in IT, garbage in garbage out! If our last word is to be about the good of the country, that is service before self then we have to snap out of this deadly fascination with the bad boys of society and realize that all that they do is to take us on a thrill filled journey to our destruction. You do not run a country on high octane of dangerous living. Why do we hand over our country to bad boys and hope that they will miraculously turn us into a paradise, we need to stop smoking what we are smoking as a nation and face reality’ Kenyan harvests only what it plants in its politicians! Period.