MAL 19/17 (MARKETING AFRICA) | Page 97

mantle of the failed many like moths are drawn to the light. Sonko is a darling of the Nairobi people and is synonymous with the Sonko Rescue Team that is the catch phrase in the informal settlements of Nairobi. He has served as an MP, a senator and may very well be your next Governor in this brown city in the trash. You know him for his mad antiques, he has sprawled himself on the roads leading various protests and had been filmed punching walls to vent anger at authorities. His hairstyles rival those of a street punk and has routinely been thrown out of parliament and the senate. His academic background is vague at best and it is very hard to believe he actually went to school because there is no direct evidence of it. But he has all the requisite certificates and diplomas to allow him to gun for top office even if he can hardly express himself in English. His link to the infamous and chaotic Matatu trade that has made our roads death traps only seems to make him more popular and he is always fielding accusation of involvement in the narcotic trade which he has denied vehemently but nobody seems to know his source of wealth. Then you have baba, the opposition ‘‘ If our last word is to be about the good of the country, that is service before self then we have to snap out of this deadly fascination with the bad boys of society and realize that all that they do is to take us on a thrill filled journey to our destruction.’’ stalwart whose grip of the Luo nation is near fanatical. You may not have ever heard of a full speech from him even when he was a prime minister but you surely will remember his vitendawili’s. There can hardly be a politician in Kenya who has been in detention as often as him and it never ceases to amaze us that the more times he was thrown in the more popular he became. Few people know the former notorious Nyayo house as intimately as he does. When you start to check on his educational background things start to get murky and it is not even clear if he had a connection to the communist east or not because he espoused capitalistic tendencies to great effect but that rebel label just adds to his bad boy mystique. Since opposition is his middle name he is the only politician who has built a career on a negative platform and survived. Fear him or love him he embodies revolution; he was linked to a coup attempt and is a fascinating thorn to the establishment. On the international scene no one occupies the bad boy mantle better than the Philippine’s President Rodrigo Duterte. His rating in the country has been at all time high due mainly to his unorthodox the devil – may – care attitude. He has routinely lambasted the leaders of the free world with unsavory language and is known to shoot from the hip and say whatever he feels like. This has landed him in diplomatic impasses but as he really does not care what you think about him, he soldiers on. He has singlehandedly taken on the drug cartel and issued a shoot and ask questions later edict that has created an international human rights furor. But he has ignored the international pressure to end the extra-judicial killings and vowed to rid the island of the drug menace. With all his in-your face braggadocio, the bad-boy image, his offensive demeanor and total lack of courtesy has endeared him to his electorate who have more or less given him a carte blanche to tackle the ills of the island as he sees fit. We cannot talk of the bad-boy image and leave out Donald Trump who was elected into office for all the wrong reasons. The openly racist and