a USA consulting firm , started finding out why some people stay calm and focused in a crisis while others become overwhelmed . After numerous interviews and studies , Klein discovered that people who are particularly good at managing their attention share certain characteristics .
One of them is a propensity to create pictures in their minds of what they expect to see . They narrate stories of what will occur in their heads . They visualize situations , good and bad , with more clarity and specificity .
Phycologists call this kind of habitual forecasting , “ creating mental models .” Some people build robust models than others . Those who are good at it are dreaming about future situations all the time .
They are engaged in continuous forecasting for every situation . When a situation in life unfolds , they are able to relate with that situation based on the models they had envisioned . They look like they have walked that path before , they seem composed , they seem to be in charge even in very difficult situations .
In the book , “ Making Yourself Unforgettable ,” by Dale Carnegie Training , “ You can also use the worstcase scenario to your advantage . Allow yourself to imagine the absolute worst outcome for whatever

‘‘ In the book , “ Making Yourself Unforgettable ,” by Dale Carnegie Training , “ You can also use the worst-case scenario to your advantage . Allow yourself to imagine the absolute worst outcome for whatever situation you ’ re dealing with . Really look at it . Face the fear . Feel how it would feel . Once you return to reality , you have a sense of having faced the worst , and of having survived it .” This experience will make it easier to deal with whatever life throws your way .’’

situation you ’ re dealing with . Really look at it .
Face the fear . Feel how it would feel . Once you return to reality , you have a sense of having faced the worst , and of having survived it .” This experience will make it easier to deal with whatever life throws your way . I moved into EABL staff houses just after that retrenchment . A colleague called my move untimely and stupid . There is truly no wisdom in moving into a house of a company that is busy retrenching . It was however too late . I had settled in .
But I had one thing I could do ; mental modeling .
I mentally , step by step , took myself through what would happen if my job was also terminated . I saw myself relocating back to Zimmerman , kids going back to the nearby school , me walking to the bus stop and taking public means .
Besides drawing a plan or a strategy , I created , visualized , and walked myself through that mental model . I was ready . But thanks to God that the retrenchment wave didn ’ t sweep me .
According to the book , “ The Power of Habits ,” by Charles Duhigg , researchers have found that “ People who know how to manage their attention and who habitually build mental models tend to earn more money and get better grades .
” The good news is that experiments have shown that anyone can learn how to construct mental models . “ By developing a habit of telling ourselves stories about what ’ s going on around us , we learn to sharpen where our attention goes .”
On 24 November 2010 , Captain Richard de Crespigny , a French pilot flying a Qantas Flight 32 , used mental models to successfully fly and land the plane that was critically damaged .
He was drilling his co-pilots on mental models even before flying :
06 MAL 19 / 17 ISSUE