MAL 19/17 (MARKETING AFRICA) | Page 36

VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER IS VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER THE NEW MARKET SURVEY? By Carolyne Gathuru I f there’s anything this decade has harped on about in both the marketing and customer experience circles, it is the need to listen to the “Voice of the Customer” (VOC). The real motivation behind the commissioning of these VOC surveys and the requirement for corporates to conduct these studies, is driven by different objectives depending on the desired end game. VOCs have been known to be commissioned by: the research and development department seeking to sass out customer views for new products in development; the marketing department in the light of conducting a market survey to put feelers out to establish market temperatures; the brand strategists with a view to establishing brand health based on consumer perceptions and attitudes; the legal team following up on corporate charters and agreements in place ‘‘ Marketing communication in itself must for sure be built around content that inspires customer curiosity. To have this then resonate successfully, insights into what works and what doesn’t work would form the basis of informed concept to creative output direction. By assessing customer profiles and understanding their needs, desires and orientation, the success of a communication campaign will be less likely to be anchored on unsubstantiated feel, but on customer data that provides direction.’’ 34 MAL 19/17 ISSUE requiring compliance; or the customer experience team seeking customer feedback to plug into building responsive customer service initiatives. Whatever the case, and whoever the process driver, the information sourced from the VOC requires prior planning to direct the outcomes. Marketing, being the umbrella that houses all facets of the marketing mix within it, in essence should be the department that runs towards, and sponges off Voice of the Customer Studies as the chief beneficiary. Each unit within marketing should be desirous of the data from this source that can then be aligned to the information sought for creative decision making. All the key responsibility areas covered by marketing should form a tactical point of sourcing for VOC results irrespective of who originated the study. Marketing Strategy and Research usually the preserve of team leadership in the marketing department, and charged with the responsibility to drive the big picture