MAL 17/17 MAL 17:17 MARKETING AFRICA | Page 96

LAST WORD ON ALL THINGS FAKE O chieng was remembering that enterprising American who gave currency to the cynical statement that the best way to make it in the world is ‘to fake it until you make it’. He had noticed that perception not substance was the key to success. He was making an astute observation of the American society where glamour and excess was idolized since the film industry had created a mega dollar economy that was hinged on the make believe world of Hollywood. The thesis behind his success strategy was that people react to appearances and not what is. For example if you want to be an executive, he advised, then dress and behave like an executive and soon you will become one as people assume you are one. The trick was to project the image that you want people to have of you and soon they accept and adopt it as being the real you. Later some wisecrack was to simplify the concept by stating that what you see is what you get. The make believe world is now so meshed with reality to the point that reality shows are today top billed. The world spends countless hours glued to the screen to watch how other people live their very fake but glamorous lives. It was therefore just a small step to move from making believe to making the news. You could change perception by controlling what people saw and heard about you. The era of the fake news had been born. We had grown up knowing that if you tell a lie a thousand times it was still a lie. Americans had discovered that this was not true, if you said and did something for long enough it would morph into a truth in peoples’ minds. Ochieng would like t