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The 2 main areas of concern with our children that I picked up during the class are fast food and sugar. The bitter reality is that many kids prefer junk food to fresh and healthy food as they are exposed to so many fast food joints. When I asked the kids what their favorite food was, 80% of the class proudly responded; burgers, pizzas and chips. Most of these foods have a lot of bad fat and salt that can harm the body. A good rule of thumb when eating out in restaurants, is to watch the portions - you can split one meal amongst two people. Incorporate salad/greens to be part of the meal (many outlets now offer healthy options) and then have the kids take milk or water as their beverage. You may skip dessert or order fresh cut fruit slices sprinkled with nuts. It’s no secret that sugar is a drug. Sugar contributes to weight gain and is the number one cause of obesity in the society today. Here are some of the names used on labels that refer to sugar. Corn Sweetener, Corn Syrup, or corn syrup solids, Dehydrated Cane Juice, Dextrin, Dextrose, Fructose, Fruit Juice Concentrate, Glucose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Lactose, Maltodextrin, Malt syrup, Maltose, Raw sugar, Rice Syrup, Saccharose, Sucrose, Syrup, Treacle, Turbinado Sugar, Xylose. They should all be avoided. Sugar is also extremely addictive - It brings about feelings of highs and lows in the body similar to what drugs do and the negative side effects are just as bad as drugs, if not worse. You will find sugar in juices, sodas, cereals, bread, pastas, rice and starches. These are the very foods we are serving our kids every day. Many children react badly to consumption of sweet foods and drinks especially if eaten alone without other food. A typical reaction is hyperactivity. This does not mean to say your child suffers from a condition such as ADHD, but just that these foods need to be restricted. Sweets are best eaten in small quantities as treats after main meals. Remember fruits are healthy sweets and are a better option for your kids. Once the child stops taking too much sugar, the addiction disappears; if a child is on sugar, they will always crave it. Kids who are overweight or obese drop the weight as soon as they stop taking artificial sugar. As parents and as a society, we need to re-think our approach to feeding our children. Let’s go back to raw foods as opposed to processed foods - what our grandparents fed us on. We never ate from cans or boxes. We picked food from the shamba. Let us involve our kids more when it comes to choosing healthy meals. Let us eat on the table as a family as opposed to eating on the couch in front of the TV. Let us get rid of artificial sugar and always take a keen interest in what the labels proclaim. When we do this, we shall help raise a healthy generation. Here is to a healthy generation! Jennifer Mwangangi-Ayoti is a Chartered Marketer (UK), and a seasoned Wellness Coach at Licial Wellness. You can commune with her on this or related issues via mail at: Info@ You can also visit the website at: