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that paralyzes daring , inability to say no and over-sensitivity . They could improve with being more structured and action-oriented . Famous phlegmatics are Kofi Anan and Oprah Winfrey .
Melancholics are predictable , orderly and factual . They enjoy detailed information , and are accurate and analytical . They are also highly intelligent , meticulous , predictable , self-controlled , discerning , persistent , industrious , artistic , curious and precise . Many accountants , engineers , researchers , scientists , IT professionals , lawyers , engineers and artists fall in this category .
On a bad day they can be selfcentred , moody , critical of themselves and others , perfectionist , boring , unforgiving , suspicious , oversensitive , and depression prone . They could improve with relaxing and lightening up and becoming more spontaneous , warm and social . Albert Einstein was a melancholic .
How to Best Get Along with the Different Personalities
There is no right or wrong personality , and while we can ’ t change our personality , we can develop flexibility in our communication and work styles to create more harmony and synergy . We are often a combination of two main personalities , our dominant and secondary personality , with elements of the remaining two personalities .
What are your dominant and secondary temperaments ? How do they affect the people around you ? Is your career suited to your personality ? The personalities most likely to clash are direct opposites ; melancholics are most likely to clash with sanguines , while cholerics will most likely conflict with phlegmatics . Opposites do attract – we usually date and

‘‘ Sanguines are warm , sunny personalities . They are enthusiastic , energetic and spontaneous . They enjoy popularity , like variety , are social and quite verbal . They are usually the ‘ life of the party ’ and love to do things the ‘ fun ’ way . Many marketers , entertainers , media presenters and sales people fall in this category .’’

marry our opposite personalities , and unmanaged , our differences lead to misunderstandings and conflict ; not just at home , but at work and play , too .
Let ’ s now look at how to get on with the different personalities , and as we do so , do pay particular attention to your opposite personality !
Cholerics : Allow them a free hand and demonstrate tangible direction and achievement of desired results . Put them in situations where they can compete and decisively win . Do things rapidly and let them achieve results quickly .
Sanguines : Keep things varied and interesting , preferably involving other people . Get excited and show emotion . Applaud and recognize them to keep them motivated . Provide challenge and structure and help them save effort . Keep to the big picture and avoid details . Inspire them to bigger and better accomplishments and recognize them accordingly .
Phlegmatics : Give them warm , positive attention . Allow them to help and be involved . Include them – they take rejection hard . Be relaxed , and relational , rather than pushy and tense and show you care . Provide structure of goals and milestones to achieve the goals .
Melancholics : Provide lots of accurate data and as much as possible answer all their questions in a methodical , systematic manner . Allow them space and time to analyze and process data to gain accurate information . Provide clear structure and a framework to follow .
Take one or two personality tests to explore personalities further . Popular ones are Myers Briggs Type Indicators ( MBTI ), Clarity and DISC . Many of these are available online and will give you useful insights into your personality .
Embrace your temperament and avoid adopting the “ that ’ s just the way I am – take it or leave it ” stance . Use your knowledge of personalities to better understand yourself and others and not to label people . Study your opposite temperament intensely and be flexible to their communication and work style for greater synergy , bearing in mind that we like and trust those who are more like us .
As you increase in self-awareness and flexibility the quality of your relationships will improve . Wishing you the best in your journey !
Caroline Mwazi is Chief Change Catalyst at Huru Consult Limited , a Nairobi based management and training consulting company focusing on Strategy & Organizational Development , Financial Management , Sales & Client Retention , Leadership & Personal Development . She can be reached via mail at : CMwazi @ huruconsult . com or Twitter @ cmwazi