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This positive attitude is similar to the visualization technique for sports – the more you believe , the more likely you will make it happen .
Clearly , when dealing with customers , being professional and courteous is very important for maintaining a relationship . A calm demeanor and a good tone are equally as important . A tone with an edge , or outright nastiness , can draw attention away from the main issue – resolving the past due balance .
It can also cause the customer to become defensive or angry , neither of which helps the collector achieve the goals of collecting or maintaining a long-term relationship .
The last couple of items are a bit trickier . For decades collectors have been instructed to maintain control of the conversation and not allow it to get off-topic of simply getting the invoice paid . Many collectors work for companies or collection agencies that expect a very large volume of calls to be completed on a daily basis .
tSo , there is a real balancing act between these criteria and taking the time to listen , understand , and express a level of empathy if that seems appropriate to achieve your goals .
For in house collectors , developing some level of a personal relationship with the customer is an excellent way to establish and foster a longterm relationship between the companies . This relationship can be used in a positive way to help collect when the customer runs into cash flow issues .
Using example of our commercial collection agency , we know a key factor in our success is often related to taking whatever time is required to listen to debtors , understand their

‘‘ Many training programs done for clients ’ in-house generally focus on several mental factors : Be in an Upbeat Mood , Have a Positive Attitude , Use a Calm Demeanor , Have a good Tone to your voice , Be Professional , Be Courteous , Listen and Understand , Be Caring and Compassionate .’’

situation , and express some empathy if that is appropriate .
Sometimes it pays to use silence . When doing so count slowly to five before responding to a debtor statement , and wait several seconds after asking a question . Remember when you leave blank spaces in the conversation it compels the debtor to fill them in .
Stay focused . Some debtors will try to get you off track by complaining about service , or somehow shifting the blame for their delinquency to you . Be polite , even validate their opinion . But always bring them right back to the point of your call - getting paid the money rightfully due to your company .
Do not let the debtor manipulate you . A screaming debtor could be using anger as a ploy to get you upset and end the conversation . At the very least , you are not going to get anywhere with someone that is angry .
If a debtor starts yelling or using abusive language , stay calm . Try reminding them that you cannot help resolve the situation if they are yelling . If that does not work , say something like , “ This obviously is not a good time for you . When can I call you back ?”
Or you could try a tactic one of many collectors employs . Say , “ Could you hang on a moment ? I can not understand what you ’ re saying .” Put the phone down for several seconds then pick it up again stating , “ I am back .” Those few seconds of silence will often calm the debtor down and you can get on with the discussion more reasonably .
We recognize that the debt collector ’ s approach and tactics need to change over time if progress is not being made using the attitude described above . The change in approach is just another tool in the collector ’ s arsenal .
Having an upbeat mood , maintaining a positive attitude , and talking with a good tone is not always easy , especially as the day wears on or after a particularly difficult call .
One simple trick many collectors use before each call to help them stay on track is SMILE ! You will be amazed at how smiling helps one feel better and giving a better attitude for the next call .
Following the above script can help improve the effectiveness of your collection calls – but there is no magic bullet in debt collection . Every debtor is different . What works really well with one , may get you nowhere with another . Listen carefully to the debtor and you will pick up clues to the best way to handle each situation .
Wasilwa Miriongi is a certified Credit Professional currently working as the Managing Director , Del Creder Credit Management Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via email at : WMiriongi @ gmail . com .